Razberry 7 w/ Z-Way does not work on "generic" OS

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Razberry 7 w/ Z-Way does not work on "generic" OS

Post by dwrice0 »

I'm new to the Razberry / Z-Way world so bare with me.

I have a Razberry 7 on my Raspberry Pi 400. I've tried it with a base Raspian 32-bit install as well as Ubuntu 32-bit 22.04 install and Z-Way always fails to bring up the Razberry 7 and shows 0 devices in expert UI mode.

Using the Z-Way SD card image, the Z-Way comes up and has no problem initializing the Razberry 7. I'm able to include devices, use the Zniffer GUI no problem. So, I know the Razberry 7 is good. I must be doing something wrong when using the generic OS setup.

One thing I noticed is that the Z-way custom OS shows "armv71" as the architecture when I do a "uname -m". However, even when I install the 32-bit OS for Raspian or Ubuntu, "uname -m" comes back with "aarch64".

There must be something I'm leaving out on the OS side that is stopping Z-Way from being able to communicate with the Razberry 7.
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Re: Razberry 7 w/ Z-Way does not work on "generic" OS

Post by dwrice0 »

Additional info:

I did an apt-get update and apt-get upgrade to the Z-Way OS image. After rebooting into the new kernel, uname -m shows aarch64 AND Z-Way still works just fine. So, I don't think I have an architecture issue. I have an issue in the generic OS with the serial communication somehow.
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Re: Razberry 7 w/ Z-Way does not work on "generic" OS

Post by seattleneil »

This post may help: https://forum.z-wave.me/viewtopic.php?f=3422&t=35315

It looks like you had complete success using the Z-Way OS image. Is there a reason you want/need to use a stock Raspian image?
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Joined: 10 May 2023 16:42

Re: Razberry 7 w/ Z-Way does not work on "generic" OS

Post by dwrice0 »

Adding "dtoverlay=miniuart-bt" to /boot/firmware/config.txt on Ubuntu 22.04 did the trick. Z-Way is happy now. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

The main reason to use a stock image is knowing what is required to make the Razberry work on an OS that I put together. I'm using the Razberry mostly for tshooting an existing Z-Wave network.
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