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Access ZWaveAPI through Python script on Raspberry

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 02:59
by danilo

I manage to access my Z-Wave Sensors through the ZWaveAPI with JSON commands from my Webbrowser.

Now I would like to log data with a Python Script on the Raspberry directly.

How do I access the ZWaveAPI from a Python Script on the Raspberry?

(E.g in the browser I write something like this http://IP_OF_RASPBERRY:8083/ZWaveAPI/Run/devices[2].instances[0].commandClasses[0x31].data.val.valueOf() . How would that line have to look if I want to read the same data in a Python script right on the Raspberry?)

Any hints or sample code is most appreciated



Easy... here is a simplistic example...

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 02:59
by Tiptop

import httplib

class ZWay:
def __init__(self, address):
self.address = address

def __performGetRequest(self, requestString):
response = None
self.conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(self.address)
self.conn.request('GET', requestString)
res = self.conn.getresponse()
print 'ERROR: __performGetRequest'
res = None
if res:
if res.status == 200:
response =
print 'ERROR:', res.status, res.reason
return response

def getSensorBinary(self, nodeID):
v = None
if type(v) != None:
nodeID, instanceNr = nodeID.split(':')
response = self.__performGetRequest('/ZWaveAPI/Run/devices[%s].instances[%s]' % (nodeID, instanceNr))
if type(response) == str:
if response == 'true':
v = True
elif response == 'false':
v = False
return v

z = ZWay('rpi1:8083')

nodeID = '21:0' # node 21, instance 0
print('NodeID=%s -> value=%s' % (nodeID, z.getSensorBinary(nodeID)))




Posted: 19 Mar 2013 02:59
by danilo
Many Thanks Stefan, really appreciate your help.

Catch an event

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 02:59
by rabing
is there a way to catch an event (like a move detector) with a python script?


Two ways:

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 02:59
by PoltoS
Two ways:using polling from python (bad way)using JS callback with system callExample:zway.devices[X].instances[0] {
system("python", this.value);
});This assumes SwitchBinary report is received on motion event.Make sure to have the first argument to system in .syscommands file (the list of allowed commands in the shell).Please consult bind() and system() description.

OK, but where is the best

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 02:59
by rabing
OK, but where is the best place to put the JS bind() to make "z-way-server" call
it in case of an event? Looks like a new module in the "automation" dir would be
a good place?

Yes, it is the right place,

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 02:59
by PoltoS
Yes, it is the right place, but we are changing these modules right now.

Please use temporary .js file and place it directly in config.xml for startup. later on you will need to incorporate it in our engine (if you will want to use it)

About what API documentation

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 02:59
by michap
About what API documentation do you write? Can you give me a link?
Was using your suggestion - and get this error:

[2013-04-02 16:18:28.872] SETDATA = True
Failed to execute command: System commands are not configured

(simple echo command was used)

Any idea?

Forgot to mention: create

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 02:59
by PoltoS
Forgot to mention: create .syscommands file and put exact file name on each line to allow execution

and the syntaxt of the call is a nit different: system(script, param1, param2, ...)

to make a long story short ...

Posted: 19 Mar 2013 02:59
by rabing
It would be really nice to have a short working example. What is needed to have the binary sensor
with ID: 5 commandClass: 0x30 call the the script "/opt/ " in case of an event?