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You're right

Posted: 30 Mar 2013 15:13
by pz1
You are right. The Get() does come automatically after I have done a Set() from within OpenRemote. Good to know that the Read.status does not create a package. I'll have to dig a bit deeper at the OR side to see what happens there.
Thanks, Pieter

Error at Razberry side?

Posted: 30 Mar 2013 15:13
by pz1
My read command is submitted by OpenRemote at 1 second intervals as:
http://raspberry:8083/JS/Run/zway.devic ... F"on":"off"
In the z-way-server.log I noticed many repeating blocks like:

Executing script:"on":"off"
JavaScript compilation error: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL
JavaScript compilation error: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL

I found different solution within OpenRemote

Posted: 30 Mar 2013 15:13
by pz1
I have found a different method to map retrieved values within Openremote. So, the solution for this "bug" is not relevant for my present task.
The different method helped me to get the binary switch working in principle. Unfortunately this comes at the cost of sending this read command every few seconds. My present thinking is that the OpenRemote HTTP calls would need a programmable delay setting.