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Mini Demo UI

Posted: 01 Aug 2013 11:26
by S1N82

I have a problem with the Mini UI.

- Installed razberry software
- Added one switch using the original UI
- Downloaded Mini UI

Switch is shown but i get the following exception:

exception in triggerPath event: TypeError: obj is null
--> jquery.triggerpath.js:245

Any hints?

Which URL do you use?

Posted: 01 Aug 2013 11:26
by PoltoS
Which URL do you use?


Posted: 01 Aug 2013 11:26
by S1N82
Downloaded UI from

Moved folder to htdocs and tried:
- http://IP:8083/z-way-mini-ui-master/z-way-demo.html

Renamed z-way-ui folder to htdocs:
- http://IP:8083/z-way-demo.html

Also tried to rename the file to index.html:
- http://IP:8083

The UI can be opened from any

Posted: 01 Aug 2013 11:26
by PoltoS
The UI can be opened from any folder (even from a folder on another computer). But you need to enter the URL to the server.

A problem with Mini UI

Posted: 01 Aug 2013 11:26
by Epsilon159

I have also a problem with the Mini UI:
I open it from another computer and I use http://IP:8083 URL. The server is reached but I can't see any of my devices (a switch and a sensor that I have included with the Expert UI).
In the Javascript console in Chrome, I've got the message:
"exception in triggerPath event: TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of undefined" jquery.triggerpath.js:245

Any idea?
Thank you very much.

Wee need to know Z-Way

Posted: 01 Aug 2013 11:26
by PoltoS
Wee need to know Z-Way version and what devices are in your network (may be a backup of your network). We will change the mini UI soon, so may be it is not worth to spare time.