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Z-Way to MQTT

Posted: 19 Jan 2016 03:19
by cblomart
Hello all the community.

I was not satifsied with domoticz or openhab... and realy like the Z-Way interface to manage the Razberry.
Still i would like to interface with the may things in my house (Bluetooth awareness, Nest, Sonos, ...).

So i deceided to check if a MQTT gateway was possible. Eventually i found project based on nodejs but on my Raspberry... i didn't like it.

I took upon myself to patch up a Gateway to MQTT in "GO" (golang) which compiles to native binary (no interpretor).

You can check the result @
[moderator]Added link

Far from perfect but functionning.

This is a bit of a test proof and in an open world: don't hesitate to fork, or ask me the things you feel lacking

Pesronally, next steps are tidies up and refactoring...

Thanks for any feedback.

Re: Z-Way to MQTT

Posted: 19 Jan 2016 04:52
by Stubbs
How does the z-way server use your gateway? How would I send all notifications to it, for example.

Re: Z-Way to MQTT

Posted: 19 Jan 2016 14:11
by pz1
Interesting! I've been fiddling with Node-RED to capture mqtt data
Hope the ZWay developers pick that up some time soon to develop it into a generic mqtt protocol interface.

Re: Z-Way to MQTT

Posted: 20 Jan 2016 01:39
by Stubbs
That's what I'm trying to do too, I've found the z-wave modules for node-red to be less that reliable so I'm looking for an alternative method to get z-wave events into Node Red, this would be a great way to do it.

Re: Z-Way to MQTT

Posted: 29 Jan 2016 12:19
by past
I have made some node-red flows to poll z-way-server status

Code: Select all

      "name":"Every 2 s",
      "name":"Get devices updates",
      "func":"msg.url =;\n\nif( {\n    msg.url += '?since=' +;\n}\nreturn msg;",
      "type":"http request",
      "name":"MQTT publish",
      "func":"var MQTTMsg = {};\n\ {\n    MQTTMsg.topic = 'z-way/events/' + device.deviceType + '/' +;\n    MQTTMsg.payload = device.metrics;\n    MQTTMsg.payload.event = true;\n    node.send(MQTTMsg);\n});\n",
      "type":"mqtt out",

      "func":" = { \n    devicesUrl :  'http://localhost:8083/ZAutomation/api/v1/devices',\n    notificationsUrl :  'http://localhost:8083/ZAutomation/api/v1/notifications'\n    \n};\n",


Re: Z-Way to MQTT

Posted: 07 May 2016 21:40
by luxus
@cblomart looks perfect for what i need..
i use for mqtt, is there a way to add username and password to the server?

Re: Z-Way to MQTT

Posted: 14 Jun 2016 10:50
by lademeister
has anyone already done something like an ESP-8266 with mqtt and DHT-22 temperature/humidity sensor and using mqtt?
I am just starting that project but right now i only managed to do it with http code device (to be exact I am testing and right now I have a ESP8266 with an relay and I am able to switch it as binary switch in z-way and my iphone app, including feedback about switch status).
I will add DHT22 temp/hum sensor soon.
But I'd like to do it with MQTT protocol.
I have the mqtt broker running on raspberry (its name is mosquitto) and I am pretty sure that I can do the software for ESP8266 wifi chip so that is uses mqtt,

...but how the heck do I import received messages into z-way?
my workaround idea is to write a shell skript that writes mqtt logfile to a ramdrive, another skript which I call from z-way via a code device will search that file for e.g. temperature readings and extract that string and give it back to that "sensor multilevel"-code device as value.
this will work but means a lot of fiddling around with parameters in shell skripts.

I've found this:
but i don't wand to switch z-wave-devices via mqtt protocol, but i want to get sensor values INTO z-way-server "virtual temp sensor" cenerated by code device app using mqtt...

So is there anyone who has a deeper understanding of how to create a virtual sensor which can be filled with values via z-way-API?

I've read a lot but still don't get it how to do this.

Re: Z-Way to MQTT

Posted: 14 Jun 2016 12:47
by pz1
lademeister wrote:But I'd like to do it with MQTT protocol.
What is the advantage over using http, which seems to be working for you?

Re: Z-Way to MQTT

Posted: 14 Jun 2016 13:00
by lademeister
http causes quite a lot of traffic and also uses more memory on the ESP-8266.
Especially when I'm planning to have some more of those neat ESP chips around my house sending sensor data or controlling RGB stripes both advantages would help a lot...

Re: Z-Way to MQTT

Posted: 10 Jul 2016 12:25
by pz1
Fair enough.
As a matter of fact, I just noticed a new MQTT module in the App-store. Have a look at