Z-Uno multiple Sensors not seen in Domoticz

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Z-Uno multiple Sensors not seen in Domoticz

Post by whackl »

Hello ,
first of all , thank you for your beautiful device, it works great and makes lot of fun.
But i have a few questions about a project i want to realize :
I`m using Z-Uno to get the filllevel of a cistern visualized in domoticz.
The Z-uno is connected to a AJ-SR04M ultrasonic sensor and has a little oled display for debug purposes.
It should be battery based in the future but the optimization it is not finished by now.
The Wakeup with zunoSetBeamCountWU is working fine .

I have just updated to 2.1.5 beta and rewritten the code for the zunoLoad/SaveCFGParam Function to get to work again .

First question :

I want to use multiple Sensors and made it with

Code: Select all

  ZUNO_SWITCH_BINARY(getterSwitch1, setterSwitch1),
    0, // scale is meters
    2, // two decimals after dot

    0, // scale is liters
    0, // no decimals after dot
    0, // scale is %
    0, // no decimals after dot

); // to control other devices

In domoticz i see only the switch and the tank capacity as a device, the other two devices are missing and only seen in the openzwave panel.
The Associations in this snippet is for testing the difference between different Assoc. variants and the visibility of the needed devices in domoticz.
Is there a solution to get the other 2 devices seen on domoticz ?

Second question:
Currently I'm saving Parameters for the shape of the cistern to the eeprom using zunoLoad/SaveCFGParam . In the Zwave System I should build a XML File to define the corresponding CFG values and use them in the domoticz or whatever control server system. But if I am using multiple Z-Uno projects aside there is no possibility of defining different XML descriptions because every Z-Uno is recongized as identical.
So is there another way to solve this problem ?

Regards Wolfgang
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Re: Z-Uno multiple Sensors not seen in Domoticz

Post by PoltoS »

First: looks you have to ask on domoticz forum. Domoticz bis know for wrong render if channels in unknown devices.

Second: in next 2.1.5 we plan to add custom product ID for this task - you will be able to specify different IDs for each Z-Uno
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Re: Z-Uno multiple Sensors not seen in Domoticz

Post by whackl »

Thanks for the quick response ,
I will wait for the product ID , and perhaps with the right configured xml the other problem goes away ...
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Re: Z-Uno multiple Sensors not seen in Domoticz

Post by alexando »

In domoticz i see only the switch and the tank capacity as a device, the other two devices are missing and only seen in the openzwave panel.
The Associations in this snippet is for testing the difference between different Assoc. variants and the visibility of the needed devices in domoticz.
Is there a solution to get the other 2 devices seen on domoticz ?
@ whackl: Did you find a solution for this in Domoticz? I have the same problem but no way forward..
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Re: Z-Uno multiple Sensors not seen in Domoticz

Post by PoltoS »

Custom product ID is almost released. We are testing it right now
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