Z-way (Link to other Z-way app) - Master Z-way missing events from child-zway

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Z-way (Link to other Z-way app) - Master Z-way missing events from child-zway

Post by mango »

Im running a Master z-way controller, that reaches out to 2 other Z-way controllers that interact directly with Z-wave devices - so far its been pretty smooth sailing especially on the new Razberry Pro 7's.

Coming into an issue now wherein, i can see the events/notifications on the Z-way child controller, but the information is not visible on the Z-way master (i can control the lock from the master, but thats about it). I cant quite work out why this one device is not reporting the additional parameters.

If it matters, the device is a Yale YRD446 lock. (ive attached a screenshot) - so none of these parameters are being passed to the Z-way master, but i can see the objects populated there - hope that makes sense.
Screenshot 2023-01-23 at 8.47.02 pm.png
Screenshot 2023-01-23 at 8.47.02 pm.png (237.21 KiB) Viewed 2836 times
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Re: Z-way (Link to other Z-way app) - Master Z-way missing events from child-zway

Post by lanbrown »

If the locks reports that it is locked or unlocked, then that is really all that would be expected to be visible in the master node. The remote Z-Way server is the one that has the Z-Wave capability and ownership of that device. Not everything gets passed upstream like logs. I have a total of six Z-Way instances and five of them report to a single instance that that communicates with a Home Assistant node.

Using your screenshot above. Like the new user code added, would not be visible to the upstream node as there is no need for that. If you add a node, you don't add it to the master node, you still need to go to remote Z-Way server to add a new node. Same for deleting, changing parameters. The mast Z-Way server node is just a way to aggregate the devices from multiples nodes in a single pane. It does not replace the remote nodes though. That is why there is still a GUI on the remote nodes and you still have access to them.
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Re: Z-way (Link to other Z-way app) - Master Z-way missing events from child-zway

Post by mango »

Thanks Ian - just to preface, my front end is also going into HA (most of my setup inspiration came from you!)

So, the lock,unlock status is actually the only thing i want - the rest is not necessary for me. My issue at the moment is, i have no way to verify the actual (manual) lock status in HA without this report (and HA only polls from the master zway, but that obviously cant see it). Screenshot is from an end zway node
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Re: Z-way (Link to other Z-way app) - Master Z-way missing events from child-zway

Post by lanbrown »

Option 1, enable periodical polling which would probably kill the battery in the locks.
Option 2, see if you can use the z-way api and have HA query the master node which then should query the node that has the z-wave lock.

Surprising that the remote node doesn't know the actual state of the lock. The master node is just getting the state info from the remote node. So whatever the remote node has is what the master should have with only a slight delay.
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Re: Z-way (Link to other Z-way app) - Master Z-way missing events from child-zway

Post by PoltoS »

Those new events appeared in v4.0.0 and are by default hidden not to frustrate you with 15 devices instead of only one. But you can go in lock settings in the Smart Home UI and check them to become visible. They should appear in the master Z-Way too. (invisible and permanently hidden are not exported to remote Z-Way).
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Re: Z-way (Link to other Z-way app) - Master Z-way missing events from child-zway

Post by mango »

PoltoS wrote:
28 Jan 2023 17:10
Those new events appeared in v4.0.0 and are by default hidden not to frustrate you with 15 devices instead of only one. But you can go in lock settings in the Smart Home UI and check them to become visible. They should appear in the master Z-Way too. (invisible and permanently hidden are not exported to remote Z-Way).
I removed the Hidden checkbox on the (Source) Z-way system (picture), but found this did not resolve the issue. Also i tried to to manually remove the entity under Smart Home UI (Z-way Master), thinking i could resync the item, but the deleted objects dont come back. I tried to remove the 'Connecting to other Z-way' app and reinstall it, but that doesnt recreate the object - any advice on that as well?
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Re: Z-way (Link to other Z-way app) - Master Z-way missing events from child-zway

Post by PoltoS »

We might need to access your system to check it. Please write to support@z-wave.me or to PM
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Re: Z-way (Link to other Z-way app) - Master Z-way missing events from child-zway

Post by lanbrown »

One thing that I do, I disable the polling of the remote z-way node before I add a new device. Then I get the device named as I want it as well as configured how I want it. Then I enable the polling again. This also cuts down on HA getting new devices that are not what I want.
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Re: Z-way (Link to other Z-way app) - Master Z-way missing events from child-zway

Post by lanbrown »


Hopefully in the next week or two I'll be able to try a different setup out. I already have HACS running on my Home Assistant node and there is an integration (HACS) that allows multiple Home Assistant instances to be combined into one, much like the remote z-way-server app. While Z-Way will get Zigbee in the future, I do have some limited use cases for BT devices. So the plan is to actually get Home Assistant and Z-Way on the same Raspberry Pi. So the idea is to get rid of the master node for Z-Way. So one Z-Way will talk to the local (on the same Raspberry Pi) Home Assistant and will use the z-wave.me integration. This uses WebSocksets so it should be pretty fast for updates as only updates are being sent vs. being polled. The HACS integration to combine multiple Home Assistants also uses WebSockets; so once again it should be fairly fast.

A few unknowns would be hidden devices in how the z-wave.me integration handles those. I would think they wouldn't be included.

Other considerations is how to get both Z-Way and Home Assistant on the same Raspberry Pi. Home Assistant supports a few different install methods. Currently I'm just using an image from Home Assistant and it handles everything. The backups also include everything so having to do a restore is really easy; which I had to do on my Dev system. It got caught into a startup loop and even a restore didn't solve it. I just started over but restored that same backup and it was happy again. So with that said, I will look into creating Z-Way as a Docker install under what Home Assistant installs. Another option could be to use VMware ESXi and just create a VM for Home Assistant and a VM for Z-Way. They would be on the same vSwitch so they can directly communicate (not leaving the Raspberry Pi). PiMox is also a possibility.

I'm pretty sure my setup is quite a bit different than yours. I have new Raspberry Pi CM4's that have been staged. All that I have to do is remove the current Raspberry Pi 4B, move the Razberry 7 Pro to the new system and restore the backup. The CM4's are the 8GB RAM models with NVME for storage and the carrier board has PoE as well as a UPS built-in. So the storage is fast and plentiful as they have 500GB NVME's installed.

Using Docker from a Home Assistant standpoint makes sense, but getting Z-Way under Docker could be a bit of a challenge and not quite sure about how well upgrading to newer releases is going to go. So either ESXi or PiMox would allow them to be more native installs but with a more complicated install.
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Re: Z-way (Link to other Z-way app) - Master Z-way missing events from child-zway

Post by PoltoS »

The websocket based Link to other Z-Way app will come soon.

Meanwhile, check this add-on for HA: https://github.com/Z-Wave-Me/ha-z-wave-me-addon It runs in a Docker. It is not the final version, but it is already stable and working well.
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