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Am I missing something obvious ...

Posted: 29 Mar 2015 12:56
by jet11x
I've been using the RaZberry for a few months now with a few z-wave devices.
When the automation doesn't work as I expect I want to be able to see a log of events and actions. My previous X10 system had a very basic controller CM15 and this showed such a log.
However, I can't find anything like this on the RaZberry. The notification/warning on the HA UI almost has this with the Device Monitor module, but it's not really usable (Warning screen slow and hard to read and Device Monitor keeps on putting out duplicates)
The log file looked promising at first, but doesn't seem to contain all the information.

As an example, my outside front light was on this morning. From my automation setup this should only be possible if either an off event from a sensor at the front of the house wasn't produced or if the light was turned on other than by this sensor. I'd expect this to be easy to check, but it isn't.

Re: Am I missing something obvious ...

Posted: 29 Mar 2015 13:06
by pz1
/var/log/z-way-server.log has the detail

Re: Am I missing something obvious ...

Posted: 30 Mar 2015 22:29
by jet11x
By log I did mean /var/log/z-wave-server.log.

I've found sound information is hard to interpret and some is missing. For example:
  • Names used in setup aren't use in the log
    Values are encoded
    Actions taken by modules e.g. call scene, aren't logged (at least I don't think they are).
This should be really easy to do, so that's why I'm wondering if I'm missing something obvious or this is really far more difficult than it needs to be.

So my example below of a sensor and a light is very hard to understand.

Looking at the log did reveal a problem though - stack trace below. I have one virtual device which is Daylight - wonder if this causes the error and if so why that's not part of the stack trace.

Code: Select all

[2015-03-28 18:20:07.970] [I] [core] Error: Invalid argument
    at Error (native)
    at self.controller.devices.create.handler (automation/modules/ZWave/index.js:1395:12)
    at _.extend.performCommand (automation/classes/VirtualDevice.js:243:37)
    at automation/modules/SensorsPolling/index.js:54:22
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at AutomationController.onPoll (automation/modules/SensorsPolling/index.js:50:29)
    at AutomationController.EventEmitter.emit (automation/lib/eventemitter2.js:317:33)
    at automation/modules/Cron/index.js:133:42
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at automation/modules/Cron/index.js:121:27

Re: Am I missing something obvious ...

Posted: 31 Mar 2015 09:38
by pz1
Have you tried to disable all not realy necessary modules (like sensorpolling) and than add them one to one to see where the problems start (slow response in your other topic)

Re: Am I missing something obvious ...

Posted: 31 Mar 2015 23:02
by jet11x
I disabled a bunch of modules.
I notice the SunriseSunset module wasn't turning on lights - I'll see if the disabling makes a difference, although not obvious why it should. Seems to be due to me moving to newer RC.

The main thrust of the thread still stands - hard to see the main 'events' going on. In the case of the light I could find the id for the light and grep for that plus 'perform'. Not sure how I'd see that SunriseSunset has generated an event - don't think there's standard logging for 'source of event'.

Re: Am I missing something obvious ...

Posted: 01 Apr 2015 20:32
by jet11x
I've also found a warning on the HA UI:

Code: Select all

Type: core
Timestamp: 31/03/15-20:57
Can not instantiate module: Daylight: TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of null
and in the log

Code: Select all

[I] [core]
Notification: error (core): Can not instantiate module: Daylight: TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of null
    at Daylight.update_state (automation/userModules/Daylight/index.js:158:19)
I've downloaded new version of Daylight and that appears to have eliminated this error.