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Widgets, Modules, and Scenes ... Oh My!

Posted: 19 Jun 2015 21:21
by jstaffon
I'm getting things running pretty well. I'm having a little bit of a problem with widgets vs modules vs scenes. I'm running rc33.

Here's what I want to accomplish: I want a light to turn on in my kitchen at 8pm and off at 11pm.

Here's what I did:

1. I created a Light Scene in Preferences/Modules to turn 'On' my switch device.
2. I named the module, "Kitchen Light On". It showed up in the Automation list in Preferences and as a Widget in the Automation UI. So far so good.

Then I wanted to create a Scheduled Scene to turn that Widget/Scene "On" at the desired time.

Here's what I did:

I went into the ScheduledScene in Preferences/Modules but the Widget/Scene from above didn't show up in the Drop Down List. I had to reboot the z-way server in order for it to show up in the drop down list so I could associate the "On" time with the Widget/Scene.

Here's what I saw:

Following the reboot, the scene name in the drop down list was Light Scene 18. Also following the reboot, the "Kitchen Light On" label on the Widget was changed back to the default, "Light Scene". It shows up as "Light Scene" in the Preferences/Automation list and "Light Scene 18" in the Automation UI on the Dashboard and Widgets screen. I'm very confused about how these are related and why the names are different.

Here are my questions:

1. Are the widget, "Kitchen Light On", and the Scene, "Light Scene 18" the same?
2. Does configuring a Light Scene module create a Widget and a Scene?
3. How do I rename them so the name will make more sense? Changing the name in the dialog box doesn't always stick following reboots.
4. Do I need to go into the json files and change the names there?

Thanks in advance!