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Room images get corrupted

Posted: 12 Jan 2017 23:21
by Aegis
Im on version 2.2.5 and images I upload to rooms get corrupted and wont display properly. Can anyone test and confirm the same behavior? I've tried several different format and sizes, but it seems the images are manipulated after being uploaded and this is where the problem occurs.

Re: Room images get corrupted

Posted: 13 Jan 2017 12:53
by Z-Wave Support

we have this tested and do not have this problem. Have you the newest bootloader for you System?

The pictures must have follow parameters: The uploaded file must be smaller than 500.0 kB and in one of the following formats: jpg,jpeg,gif. The recommended dimension of the images is 200 x 200 px.

Best regards
Z-Wave Support

Re: Room images get corrupted

Posted: 14 Jan 2017 17:29
by fez
I have the same issue, since (probably) ever.
I have formatted the pictures as required, but either they will not show at all (some icon appears) or they would load patially (on top maybe 5%) and all gray the rest. It looks like this depends from witch which editor I saved them (resized), so it migth be dependednt on the image which is to be loaded.

Re: Room images get corrupted

Posted: 23 Jan 2017 16:09
by Z-Wave Support

have you tested this with a gif or jpg?

Z-Wave Support

Re: Room images get corrupted

Posted: 23 Jan 2017 16:31
by fez
jpg. 200x200 pixel

Re: Room images get corrupted

Posted: 24 Jan 2017 11:00
by Z-Wave Support

please test it with a gif file.

Z-Wave Supoort

Re: Room images get corrupted

Posted: 25 Jan 2017 18:06
by Benny
Same on my system (2.2.5, Boot 5.04). Jpg isn't accepted, the displayed picture is just white. If I change a working gif and saved it or saved as, it wouldn't display anymore. Only way is to create a new gif and copy/paste the old into.

Re: Room images get corrupted

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 12:39
by fez
I just updated to 2.3 and tried to load room images. Gif worked (almost) fine, jpg didn't.
I could load the gif images for all, but one room. ... I don' know why, but it is a step forward.

Re: Room images get corrupted

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 13:12
by ronie
fez wrote:I have the same issue, since (probably) ever.
I have formatted the pictures as required, but either they will not show at all (some icon appears) or they would load patially (on top maybe 5%) and all gray the rest. It looks like this depends from witch which editor I saved them (resized), so it migth be dependednt on the image which is to be loaded.

the editor is a good point. If possible please try to resize you images with gimp 2 for example. I've noticed (long time ago) that there are differences. I've tried to upload an JPEG image resized by windows paint - won't work.
Resized by Gimp 2 - it works.

Except of Gimp 2 I unfortunately didn't know which other editor's will work or won't ... so it's at you to test it.
Please feel free to share your solutions :)

Re: Room images get corrupted

Posted: 26 Feb 2017 20:41
by Aegis
Ive tried using Photoshop CC and Gimp and neither works. Uploaded JPEGs end up corrupted either way. They are certainly not corrupt at the time of upload so it must be something Z-Way does to the images post upload that produces the issue.