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need help to unmask type specific events

Posted: 08 Nov 2020 15:39
by wildling
Hi, by mistake I masked all events from type "connection lost", by the way these events disappear from the z-way-server.log too
can anybody tell me how to re-enable events masked by type?

Re: need help to unmask type specific events

Posted: 09 Nov 2020 03:45
by PoltoS
Looks like the UI is missing this. We have created a ticket for it.

Meanwhile stop Z-Way, open config,json on the filesystem and search for hide_single_device_events. Edit the value of this field and restart Z-Way back.

Re: need help to unmask type specific events

Posted: 15 Nov 2020 00:14
by wildling
Thanks for your response,

I changed in config,json "hide_single_device_events": [], --> "hide_single_device_events": false,

I now have the "[core] Notification: error (connection): Connection lost to Z-Wave device ID: 9" in the log, but neither events in the event gui, nor unfortunately a way to get the event watcher triggering according to
which worked perfectly before.
As I workaround I now use SEC analyzing the log and the code device app "to get value"

Do you have another hint?

Re: need help to unmask type specific events

Posted: 15 Nov 2020 01:38
by PoltoS
[] -> false is wrong. [] means it is not the correct value - you need to find another one. Please send this file or check yourself similar fields around.

Re: need help to unmask type specific events

Posted: 15 Nov 2020 14:02
by wildling
Okay, mysterious, false appeared to be the appropriate value regarding the other parameters ....
I joined the file (zipped for upload reasons)

Re: need help to unmask type specific events

Posted: 18 Nov 2020 01:19
by PoltoS
"hide_single_device_events": [] should be the correct way to reset it. Make sure you are fixing this in the correct (may be all) profile

Re: need help to unmask type specific events

Posted: 22 Nov 2020 20:08
by wildling
I changed again for "hide_single_device_events": [] in all (2) profiles, rebooted and tested by powering off the z-wave switch device. No notification about connection lost.
My sec + code device (log tracking with sec -> value in a semaphore file -> red by a zway code device) workaround works very well.
If its to give mor information for the ticket you created on 9th November I ll be ready to continue with you on this, otherwise I get all I need by the workaround.
Thank you