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Device "not supported" in Home App following upgrade to Z-Wave v3.2.2

Posted: 09 Dec 2021 10:49
by zama36
I updated the Z-Wave server software to v3.2.2 from v3.1.1 and have been using the Apple HomeKit Gate app.

Afterwards one of my devices, a Jasco Z-Wave outlet, is listed as not supported in the iOS Home app.

I have attempted to re-add the bridge a couple of times but during the process when selecting the location of the outlet, the Home app errors out with "Could not complete operation."

Curious if anyone has any suggestions on getting this to work again.


Re: Device "not supported" in Home App following upgrade to Z-Wave v3.2.2

Posted: 11 Dec 2021 04:48
by PoltoS
Does it always happen with this device only?

If so, we can investigate it using remote access. Or we can provide instructions for enabling the debug mode

Re: Device "not supported" in Home App following upgrade to Z-Wave v3.2.2

Posted: 16 Jan 2022 02:50
by ~nightcrawler~
I have this issue also, but seems to be some "phantom" devices that I have deleted from the server and are still being brought into HomeKit. They aren't shown from the ZWay server. I've restarted ZWay and it still tries to import old devices when I remove and re-add the hub into HomeKit. I just deactivated HomeKit Gate, reactivated it and now it's not showing up in the home app when I go to re-add the hub.

Re: Device "not supported" in Home App following upgrade to Z-Wave v3.2.2

Posted: 16 Jan 2022 03:10
by ~nightcrawler~
Also looks like the same issue with needing to rename the HomeKit Gate instance from previous connections to the Home app still exists. Added a "2" to the end of the instance name and the hub showed up again when adding a device in the home app. Still brought in the old deleted devices from Zway though.

Re: Device "not supported" in Home App following upgrade to Z-Wave v3.2.2

Posted: 17 Jan 2022 05:26
by ~nightcrawler~
Decided to see what adding ZWay into my Homebridge hub would do for its HomeKit integration. So it didn’t bring in the deleted devices that HomeKit Gate did, however it failed to add a valid switch even though it shows in the logs that Homebridge found it on the ZWay server.

To recap…

- 4 GE outlet modules deleted from ZWay
- deleted devices showed up as not responding & not supported devices in Home app
- restarted ZWay instance but devices still in Home app
- removed/re-added ZWay hub in Home app but still brought in deleted devices and one of those deleted device errors out with "Could not complete operation” after selecting the room the device is located.
- removed ZWay hub, disabled/re-enabled HomeKit Gate, had to rename HomeKit gate in ZWay to get home app to see hub to re-add & still brought in old devices and same issue as above.
- added ZWay to Homebridge, shows 4 valid devices in logs with ZWay but only brings my 3 dimmers over and on/off switch is missing in Homebridge

Re: Device "not supported" in Home App following upgrade to Z-Wave v3.2.2

Posted: 17 Jan 2022 14:57
by sherryliu
I had this problem too, but it's fixed now

Re: Device "not supported" in Home App following upgrade to Z-Wave v3.2.2

Posted: 17 Jan 2022 22:52
by PoltoS
This is because the HomeKit Gate was turned off when the device was deleted. So it was not able to notice the device removal.

Here is the fix:

Code: Select all"HomeKitGate")[0].config.hkDevices["ZWayVDev_zway_2-0-37"]=undefined
(make sure to change the ID of the device that is to be deleted - check it in the Apple Home app in device details

Once done (can be applied to multiple IDs) do

Code: Select all"HomeKitGate")[0].saveConfig()
And reload the app. Should fix.

Meanwhile, we will check how we can handle this via the config

Re: Device "not supported" in Home App following upgrade to Z-Wave v3.2.2

Posted: 19 Jan 2022 16:21
by ~nightcrawler~

Thanks for the reply, but the Home app does not show any of the usual details for the device that the OP and I had error out while re-adding the hub. I'm assuming it is device #10, but Is there another location to verify the device ID since it doesn't show up on the GUI anymore?


I was able to see the details for the other 4 "deleted" devices and followed your steps to successfully remove them. However, unless the status of the HomeKit Gate app was not correct, it has been active the whole time -- before and after the upgrade. I wish I could recall the exact events for these devices, but most of them may have been unplugged during the upgrade. I know one was still plugged-in to control my Christmas tree, but had issues previously with these GE/Jasco Lamp Modules sometimes showing up as unsupported in the Home app despite working correctly before.

Re: Device "not supported" in Home App following upgrade to Z-Wave v3.2.2

Posted: 24 Jan 2022 03:21
by Stalnoff

I have same problem: "Could not complete operation.", "Not supported" and no device ID in details of failed device in Home App
ZWave.Me Hub, Z-Way 3.2.0, HomeKit Gateway 2.2.1

Re: Device "not supported" in Home App following upgrade to Z-Wave v3.2.2

Posted: 24 Jan 2022 14:19
by aivs
Hi, please attache backup from expert ui, I will test with your devices.