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PushBullet notifications suddenly stopped working

Posted: 26 Aug 2023 20:15
by bogr

All of a sudden, without me making any changes or updates the PushBullet notifications stopped working, with the log showing:

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[2023-08-26 18:47:19.753] [I] [core] NotificationPushbullet: SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK
Started sometime around June, but I haven't noticed until now.
Checking the code and doing a curl call with the appropriate request params according to the code, the call actually works

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curl -X POST -d '{"title":"the_title:", "type":"note"}' -H "Access-Token:the_access_token" -H "Content-Type:application/json"
Can't understand why it doesn't work when the call is made from the PushBullet app in z-way? Any ideas?

Re: PushBullet notifications suddenly stopped working

Posted: 19 Sep 2023 21:02
by bogr
I really can't get this. I've tried

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sudo update-ca-certificates
and in the code setting

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verify: false,

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validate_cert: false,
on the request, but nothing works.

I've even tried doing the curl inside system, in the code

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which actually worked.

Thought it had something to do with some expired cert but I don't get it. Any ideas on how to at least debug this issue?

Re: PushBullet notifications suddenly stopped working

Posted: 20 Sep 2023 18:58
by seattleneil
The problem you're encountering has an explanation.

The PushBullet app relies on a custom JavaScript engine that Z-Way developers have extended by adding support for http requests (among other enhancements). I'm pretty sure the code for the JavaScript engine's http request is contained in file /opt/z-way-server/modules/ Making the equivalent http request using the curl command relies on completely different code and libraries. Specifically, Z-Way's http request uses library /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ and the curl command uses library /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/

To see the difference, I suggest using tcpdump to capture the packets to/from Something like the following:

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# tcpdump -i eth0 -n -v -w /tmp/pushbullet.pcap host
Next, transfer the file /tmp/pushbullet.pcap to a computer where wireshark has been installed and open the file using wireshark. This will allow you to see the packets being exchanged. The frustrating part is that although you'll see the problem, I don't think you'll be able to fix the problem yourself. My guess is that the certificate used by is malformed in some way and treats the certificate as a fatal error, while treats the certificate differently.

If you really want to use PushBullet for notifications, I suggest you modify the index.js for the app and change the url to Next, run a python webserver on port 8000 with cgi-bin enabled (/usr/bin/python3 -m http.server --cgi 8000) and create a file cgi-bin/ to read the content data. Something like the following:

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data = ""

if int(os.environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', 0)) != 0:

    for i in range(int(os.environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', 0))):
        data +=
Once you have the data from the hacked pushbutton app via the python web server in the file, you can use the curl command to

Yeah, it's a workaround. For what it's worth, I try to avoid adding unnecessary complexity to Z-Way processing by moving functionality to a local python cgi script.

Re: PushBullet notifications suddenly stopped working

Posted: 21 Sep 2023 19:24
by bogr
Great answer and detailed clarification! Makes perfect sense.

I actually noticed that I have an older version of the libs, 4.5.0, so maybe an upgrade might solve the problem, will check.
Otherwise I'll consider which of the python vs system(curl) solution is "better". Both have of course pros and cons.
Thanks a lot!