local user shouldn't be able to log in remotely huh ?

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local user shouldn't be able to log in remotely huh ?

Post by Zebedoux »

Hello All,

I feel fairly sure there's going to be a moment of > D'oh < but ....

I have a local user ( ie defined as access only via localhost ) .
I created it because I wanted to force a login on my local wifi network .
This, because all logins prior to this had been remote ( though I didn't specify one way or another )
So I created the local user, logged in, and that login was remote ( as should not be allowed , as far as I understand ). You can see this in the screenshot .

I was able to log in "locally" , the only time so far by VNC connection to the Pi where Z-way is running and going to in a browser from its desktop.

In both cases ( the remote login from an iPhone and the real local one ) , there are no devices , elements or anything. - so that is being blocked I guess ( for some reason - but *not* because it is "not local " ! ).

I will try to add two illustrative screenshots and thank you kindly for reading.
The local user should have devices  and rooms available NB  also evidence of remote login
The local user should have devices and rooms available NB also evidence of remote login
localUser.png (88.38 KiB) Viewed 14813 times

My ultimate goal is to understand the whole thing ( obviously ? )
But my immediate goal is to be able to log in and use my z-wave network locally.
Or remotely sometimes - but to be able to do one or the other at will !
local user has no access to anything despite seemingly having access in settings
local user has no access to anything despite seemingly having access in settings
via VNC and actually local.png (98.91 KiB) Viewed 14813 times
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Re: local user shouldn't be able to log in remotely huh ?

Post by enbemokel »

Never tried the local user, always using admin or a created user. works from local and external via vpn.
Can you show a screenshot of your rooms section? Did you add the devices in the allowed list?
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Re: local user shouldn't be able to log in remotely huh ?

Post by Zebedoux »

Hello Nico,

Thank you for looking.

I will do as you ask (attached ) but I don't think there is much to be gleaned from this.

I have not been able to find an "allowed list"

I am ( I should explain ) just in the early stages of playing around. I had it quite nicely connected to Siri via Apples home app. But that has stopped working for now.

I am about to start again with an ssd instead of the SD card.

Best wishes,
Screenshot 2024-12-06 at 19.27.31.png
Screenshot 2024-12-06 at 19.27.31.png (106.84 KiB) Viewed 14515 times
Screenshot 2024-12-06 at 19.27.18.png
Screenshot 2024-12-06 at 19.27.18.png (53.06 KiB) Viewed 14515 times
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Re: local user shouldn't be able to log in remotely huh ?

Post by enbemokel »

O,K. maybe I have to check in my installation. But in your first screenshot we see available rooms and available devices.
Did you add them by clicking on the green cross to get them in the "allowed" list. Then they should apear with a red cross to deactivate.
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Re: local user shouldn't be able to log in remotely huh ?

Post by Zebedoux »

IMG_2994.jpg (387.03 KiB) Viewed 14418 times
Hello Nico ,

I have not encountered red and green crosses and I have tinkered quite extensively ( I think ).
Could they be an earlier variation on the green tick / red box in my screen shot ?

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Re: local user shouldn't be able to log in remotely huh ?

Post by enbemokel »

Ups, may be my mistake, as I wrote your first screenshot, seems that it is the second. I can´t see the first image.

I editet your screenshot and you will see it :-) If you click on on of the green crosses, then this should be visible for local user.
If not, we have to wait for an expert to help.
localUser.png (91.4 KiB) Viewed 14408 times
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Re: local user shouldn't be able to log in remotely huh ?

Post by Zebedoux »

Hello Nico,

OK , I've got you now.

It is gradually getting clearer so it probably doesn't need an expert.
And anyway - 'expert' is relative so you are an expert to me !

I am reading the manual - don't want to bore you and all with (too many) dumb questions.

Thank you again
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Re: local user shouldn't be able to log in remotely huh ?

Post by enbemokel »

Important question, is it working now with local user?
And like in any forum, nothing is dumb question, also it may help other users.
Best regards
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Joined: 22 Nov 2021 02:33

Re: local user shouldn't be able to log in remotely huh ?

Post by Zebedoux »

I am sorry , I missed your last message .
The whole thing is working a lot better , thank you , although I can’t explain exactly why .
I have no doubt that sometimes I am connected locally and sometimes not ( but I use admin users now, as you said ).
But I will go back and explore the “local user” and report back.
In fact , I have some guests coming , it will be an ideal test ( to make each of them a local user ).
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