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Re: razberry scenes

Posted: 01 Apr 2016 15:18
by marko4791
Sorry for the bad expression. I meant that I cant find the software where I knew each device to associate with others, set a scene etc. I know there are a lot of apps, but rather I was thinking one complex solution, if it exists.

Re: razberry scenes

Posted: 01 Apr 2016 17:30
by pz1
marko4791 wrote:I was thinking one complex solution, if it exists.
Yes it does in paradise, until that time you have to live with Lego to build your dreams ;)

Re: razberry scenes

Posted: 01 Apr 2016 18:36
by marko4791
Good, but it can be done using commercial solutions such as Fibaro, Zipato, Vera etc. Okay, so razberry will go only programing JSON API?

Re: razberry scenes

Posted: 01 Apr 2016 18:54
by pz1
No, primarily via the Apss. That is not JSON API!
No programming. Simply fill the forms.

In 2014/2015 I saved some 20% on my energy bill by a handfull of SmartHome Scenes, ScheduledScenes and LogicalRules and 10 StellaZ radiator thermostats.
There are several examples in the Recipe section of this forum. Volunteers initially submitted and described there Apps (formerly called Modules), most of them now available in the App store.

If you dan't like that, by all means go for a Fibaro Home Center. It is less cumbersome, until you want more than its basic offerings. And if you stick to Fibaro devices as well, you have one single point to complain. That is an important asset too!

Re: razberry scenes

Posted: 01 Apr 2016 18:59
by marko4791
I know that primarily are Apps. These apps are created for example using JSON API? What is the function of example freedomotics and OpenRemote?

Re: razberry scenes

Posted: 01 Apr 2016 20:33
by pz1
I don't know free domotics, but I do use OpenRemote as a alternative visualisation front-end. It used to be my complete HA platform. Because I wasn't satified with their Z-Wave implementation, I started to use the stack, which initially was only a webservice. Nice at that time, but when the first RaZberry devices came out I decided to make RaspberyPi+RaZberry my Z-Wave Gateway in OR. After a year I got fed up with OpenRemote's awkward Drools rule engine, and decided to move more of the control to ZWay. I am still in that process, but expect to keep OpenRemote as a front end (running on Synology NAS) for my two Pi installations.
See: More text and links in the Recipe section and via my signature.