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Get data from large number of devices

Posted: 04 Feb 2016 18:40
by butterguns

I have associated 20 devices with my ZWave network, each of which have perhaps 3 Command Classes I am interested in monitoring. I'd like to get updates from each command class at least once every 10 seconds.

Right now I'm sending Get() requests using the Device API at a rate of (20 devices * 3 command classes / 10 seconds) = 6 per second, and the network is becoming unwieldy.

The Job Queue is consistently >200 messages, many of which are in "No ACK received before timeout" state. The interval between new readings is now greater than 10 seconds, and is sometimes > 45 seconds. The devices are all sitting on a table near the ZWave controller.

Have I reached the capacity of the network? Is there anything I could be doing to improve this situation?
