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Doesn´t save any changes

Posted: 25 Apr 2020 17:48
by Spirit78

I have a huge problem that I havent had before. If I make any changes i WebUI it all takes affect. But if I reboot the Pi3b, all changes are gone. It just roles back to all settings it had before? I have cleaned cockies in browser and tried explorer. I usually use Chrome?

Does someone know whats wrong?

Re: Doesn´t save any changes

Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:29
by PoltoS
Changes are saved in /opt/z-way-server/config/zddx/ and /opt/z-way-server/automation/storage/. Please have a look in logs - may be your filesystem is full?

This might be because of logs - last Z-Way by error had a lot of debug logging and this might fill your /var/log/ files.

Re: Doesn´t save any changes

Posted: 30 Apr 2020 16:55
by Spirit78
Hi, thank´s for answer. It was the SD-card that was corrupted. It didnt even work to do an SD-format on it. So I changed it and loaded my .img backupfile on it. So now it works again