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Restore Problem: The (zab) format is not supported. The uploaded file must be in one of the following formats: zbk

Posted: 14 May 2022 14:44
by duskiez
Hello everyone,

I had a crash and lost my Razberry SD data. I am trying to restore the z-wave data from a cloud backup from z-wave itself, which is from late april this year. But I get the following error message:

The (zab) format is not supported. The uploaded file must be in one of the following formats: zbk

Tried searching for similar errors in this forum but had no luck. Can anyone help with this?


Re: Restore Problem: The (zab) format is not supported. The uploaded file must be in one of the following formats: zbk

Posted: 14 May 2022 23:32
by seattleneil
Z-Way supports 2 types of backups. The first type of backup can be made using the smarthome UI (http://[IP]:8083/smarthome/#/admin -> Backup & Restore) or from the Cloud backup service and creates a file that ends in .zab. The second type of backup is made from the expert UI (http://[IP]:8083/expert/#/network/control -> Backup and Restore) and creates a file that ends in .zbk.

The reason for the 2 types of backups is that some users of Z-Way do not use the smarthome features (i.e., they are not interested in running the smarthome UI, automation engine or support for virtual devices). For those users, the .zbk backup is appropriate (it contains the Z-Wave configuration). However, for most users, the .zab backup is appropriate since it's a superset of the .zbk file and contains the Z-Wave configuration, Z-Way virtual devices, Z-Way automation settings and UI settings.

From your description, it sounds like you are trying to use the expert UI to restore a backup that was made from the smarthome UI/cloud service.

Have you tried to restore the .zab file using the smarthome UI? Your web browser should show the following and should let you upload the .zab file.
zway smarthome ui restore.JPG
zway smarthome ui restore.JPG (82.21 KiB) Viewed 1524 times

Re: Restore Problem: The (zab) format is not supported. The uploaded file must be in one of the following formats: zbk

Posted: 15 May 2022 01:03
by duskiez
Hi seattleneil,

indeed, you are right. I think it worked now, am going over the configuration.
