[HowTo] Control StellaZ with the Automation Engine

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[HowTo] Control StellaZ with the Automation Engine

Post by pz1 »

Note: This is still work in progress!!!
This description assumes that the temperature regimes are controlled via the MODE setting of the StellaZ thermostatic radiador valve. For the time being, the individual preset temperatures are done elsewhere; e.g. via the OLD Expert Interface.
Since the Modes from StellaZ are not yet available as Virtual Device a different solution using the toggleButton is presented. This should work with v2.0.1-rc1 and higher (I have tested with rc3.
  1. Create Virtual Devices
    First create for each of the operating modes: Comfort, HeatSave, FrostProtect a device. For this, select -Preferences-Modules-Devices-CodeDevice. Give it a meaningfull title. For example KitchenComfort. Go to the next step in the creation and select toggleButton. As for the code, enter the following one line code:

    Code: Select all

    N: device number
    x: 0=FrostProtect,1=Comfort,11=HeatSave
    Repeat this for all your devices for all three modes. (those that you think you need to automate actually)

    Note: If you create the next nodes import the corresponding (comfort, save, frost) previously defined device, so you only have to change the device number
  2. Rename Widgets
    Go to -Preferences-Widgets Scroll to the bottom of the list of widgets where you find them with a name like Code device 30. Rename into a sensible name e.g. KitchenComfort to make the next steps easier.
    Rename.PNG (16.18 KiB) Viewed 4957 times
    CAUTION: Restart the HA GUI, to make the new widget names visible
  3. Create Scene
    Scenes are a great way to organise actions on multiple devices. It can be used to switch multiple radiator valves in a single room in comfort or heat dave modes. Substantial savings are possible with a zoned approach to heating. E.g. starting with the kitchen and bathroom in the morning, followed later by living room. Scenes are great for organising heating zones. The same scene can be used in a schedule, rule etc.
    Scene.PNG (21.59 KiB) Viewed 4948 times
  4. Create Schedule
    The scene created in the previous step can be activated from different sources. For example in the schedule despicted below.
    Schedule.PNG (20.02 KiB) Viewed 4948 times
  5. Create Logical Rule
    In this example we present an extra energy saver. Quite often bedroom windows are opened for a prolongued time while the room radiator is still open. A simple door/window alarm and a StellaZ can prevent this:
    prevent1.PNG (26.23 KiB) Viewed 4948 times
  6. Summing up
    In the first place this recipe describes a simple solution for conserving energy. In addition mutatis mutandis the overall aproach can be used for other Z-Wave devices for which there is not yet a genrated virtual device.
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