version 3.0.12

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Re: version 3.0.12

Post by PoltoS »

Thank you for your posts, we are following them. We plan to get to them by the end of this month and check all your findings.
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Re: version 3.0.10/3.0.12

Post by niky94547 »

Hello Yves and Polto,

Let me add some more observation and debug regarding 3.0.10. Follows Yves strategy and contribution to protect EEProm writes, improve stability in operation of devices.

Unfortunately there is another unexpected behavior and Yves dig and share it too. It happens in real operation and could be reproduces clearly and faster when controller send consequently "SET" commands in very short periods. I've tested with 5 Set in a row, then 3-5s sleep and again 5 Set issued from controller. For debug purpose, controller was is in near proximity to device.

What happens, device start process Setters in relatively exact timing manner. But there are moments when setter execution stopped for 2s, 5s, more than 30s or infinite. In this stuck state checked main loop is ok, but setter not processed. I've checked zniffer too and it happens that device continuous reports some S2 specifics "S2 Nounce Report" and not exiting from this report loop... Attaching screenshot for your reference:

Zniffer Snapshot

I'm not experienced in programing and could not debug the code. But if its possible Z-wave.Me team to check behavior and advice for a patch on 3.0.10 will be great.

Thanks and Br,
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Re: version 3.0.12

Post by yves »

Hi Nick,
Thank you for your contribution:
I was afraid that ‘my’ problem was specific to ‘my’ home center 3 controller.
You have removed this ‘ambiguity’…

Hoping that this will be solved...

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Re: version 3.0.12

Post by PoltoS »

Nick, in your case Z-Uno got desynchronized in S2 Security and it reported that with a Nonce Get. It looks there is a problem in handling very big packets fragmented in segments.

We will add it to the bug tracker. Please attach the log of Z-Way from that moment so we can see why it was fragmented and why resynchronization has not happened.
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Re: version 3.0.12

Post by niky94547 »

Hello Polto,

Please find two occurrences for your reference (Log1~16:00 and Log2 ~16:21). Attaching below Z-way logs and Zniffer too:


Thanks and Br,
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