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Problems with adapting library for Z-Uno

Posted: 14 Mar 2017 10:13
by cls02

I am trying to adapt the Adafruit_RGBLCDShield library to work with the Z-Uno, using the ZUNO_MCP23017 library (which seems to be based on the Adafruit one). However, I get the following error when compiling:

Compiling file "/var/folders/vw/4dbt13s178163k4kvrch0lt40000gn/T/build509803355726088525.tmp/
ZUNO_RGBLCDShieldNoButtons_ucxx.c" by means of SDCC...
ZUNO_RGBLCDShieldNoButtons_ucxx.c:320: error 200: field '_i2c' has incomplete type

The related code snippets are are:


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ZUNO_MCP23017 _i2c;
And in ZUNO_RGBLCDShieldNoButtons_ucxx.c

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typedef struct cxx__class__ZUNO_MCP23017_s
     unsigned char i2caddr;



typedef struct cxx__class__ZUNO_RGBLCDShieldNoButtons_s
     void ** __cxx__vmethod__table;
     int write_error;
     unsigned char _rs_pin;
     unsigned char _rw_pin;
     unsigned char _enable_pin;
     unsigned char _data_pins[8];
     unsigned char _displayfunction;
     unsigned char _displaycontrol;
     unsigned char _displaymode;
     unsigned char _initialized;
     unsigned char _numlines;
     unsigned char _currline;
     unsigned char _i2cAddr;
     struct cxx__class__ZUNO_MCP23017 _i2c;

The error message refers to the last line above. (Using Z-Uno 2.0.8 on Mac OS X 10.12.3). The library compiles just fine for other HW.

What am I missing here?

Thanks in advance,

Re: Problems with adapting library for Z-Uno

Posted: 14 Mar 2017 23:18
by p0lyg0n1
Compiler doesn't support aggregated objects.
So you have to use pointer instead of a copy of an object.
So, you have to use

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ZUNO_MCP23017 * _i2c;
and refactor some code inside the class RGBLCDShieldNoButtons:
1. access to method of _i2c object:

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instead of

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2. Initialize it inside constructor with pointer to your object (something like this):

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RGBLCDShieldNoButtons(ZUNO_MCP23017 * i2c_mcp, <another parameters>): _i2c(i2c_mcp)
  // some other code ...

Re: Problems with adapting library for Z-Uno

Posted: 15 Mar 2017 08:38
by cls02
Thanks - works perfectly. Casper

Re: Problems with adapting library for Z-Uno

Posted: 15 Mar 2017 11:41
by cls02
Got the RGBLCDShield working ok, but having problems with migrating the Keypad_MC17 library, which is used to interface Keypads via the MCP23017.

I get the strange message "Unknown error":
Preprocessing file: /var/folders/vw/4dbt13s178163k4kvrch0lt40000gn/T/build1926746325090264338.tmp/ZUNO_Keypad_MC17.cpp with SDCPP...
Compiling /var/folders/vw/4dbt13s178163k4kvrch0lt40000gn/T/build1926746325090264338.tmp/ZUNO_Keypad_MC17_sdcpp_.cpp ...Unknown error:'class ZUNO_Keypad' uCxx returned error code:-1

Any idea what error code -1 means, and what could be wrong? I can send/attach the code if needed.

Thanks again,

Re: Problems with adapting library for Z-Uno

Posted: 15 Mar 2017 14:37
by p0lyg0n1
Please add the full output and ZUNO_Keypad_MC17* files. Looks like uCxx internal error.