How to upgrade Z-Box firmware, the simple way

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How to upgrade Z-Box firmware, the simple way

Post by cksze »

Caution: There is risk that you will brick your Z-Box by upgrading the Z-Box firmware in simple way, but in worst case you can use the "difficult way" to salvage it.

Firmware (.bin file) download from here (v2.0.1 rc29)

1. Go to to enter router UI (LuCI)
2. Go to "System"--> Select "Back up / Flash Firmware" to upgrade firmware
3. Important: during re-flashing the firmware, there is no progress indication, it looks like dead, you must wait at least 20min, if the upgrade is successful, it will reboot automatically.
4. Attention: With the new firmware, will become Z-way UI, and Router UI will become

Now you need to do one more procedure, otherwise your Z-Box cannot start Z-Way: (will fix this bug in next release)

5. Connect the Z-Box LAN port, or use wifi to login (SSID: Ubitech-2077, password: 12345678),
6. Go to to enter Router (LuCI) UI, and you will be prompt to create the root password, please do it.
7. Use ssh (for example, in the command console, type: ssh root@ )
8. Do: rm /usr/local/z-wave-server/modules/ (if you use Windows, you can also use WinSCP to delete this file instead of using ssh login, but you need to have the root password created (in step 6) before your use WinSCP)
9. Go to (System config UI) to restart Z-Box

New UI entry point is Z-Way UI is System config UI is Router UI

More info about Z-Way web UI ... nual20.pdf

If you bricked your Z-Box, please download instruction how to salvage it from here:

How to make Z-Box compatible in your local network without conflicting the IP address if your home router ( is common by all routers)

10. Go to "Network"-->"Interfaces" --> select LAN edit (on the right side), change it to "DHCP client", then you need to click the "Switch protocol" and then press the "Apply and Save" button to make the change.
11. Now you can connect your Z-Box to your local network (cable connect to WAN port and your router), you need to check what is the IP address assigned to Z-Box (Or you can change the Static IP from to any other IP address you think suitable in your local network, without conflicting your Router's IP address)

If you want to turn the Z-Box into "AP client mode" that means use it's wifi to hook up to your home wifi as a DHCP client, instead of by LAN cable, it's possible.

As we have not yet implemented the UI for this, but the function on OS level is implemented, so you can use line command to do it.

12. Use telnet software, such as command console, puTTY, WinSCP, etc to login to command console (use port 22, login as root)
13. Use following command to do what you want:

Scan Wifi signal:

iwpriv ra0 set SiteSurvey=1
iwpriv ra0 get_site_survey

Connect to wifi for different security mechanism:

£®ROOTAP_SSID and 12345678 in below are only for example, subject to your home wifi setting£©

iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliEnable=0
iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliAuthMode=OPEN
iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliEncrypType=NONE
iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliSsid=ROOTAP_SSID
iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliEnable=1

iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliEnable=0
iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliAuthMode=OPEN
iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliEncrypType=WEP
iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliDefaultKeyID=1
iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliKey1=12345678
iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliSsid=ROOTAP_SSID
iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliEnable=1

iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliEnable=0
iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliAuthMode=WPAPSK
iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliEncrypType=TKIP
iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliSsid=ROOTAP_SSID
iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliWPAPSK=12345678
iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliSsid=ROOTAP_SSID
iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliEnable=1

iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliEnable=0
iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliAuthMode=WPA2PSK
iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliEncrypType=AES
iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliSsid=ROOTAP_SSID
iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliWPAPSK=12345678
iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliSsid=ROOTAP_SSID
iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliEnable=1

PIN mode
iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliEnable=1
iwpriv apcli0 set WscConfMode=1 // Enrollee
iwpriv apcli0 set WscMode=1 // PIN mode
iwpriv apcli0 set WscGetConf=1 // Trigger
iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliEnable=1

PBC Mode
iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliEnable=1
iwpriv apcli0 set WscConfMode=1 // Enrollee
iwpriv apcli0 set WscMode=2 // PBC mode
iwpriv apcli0 set WscGetConf=1 // Trigger
iwpriv apcli0 set ApCliEnable=1

Z-Way rocks!
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How to upgrade Z Box firmware the simple way

Post by MichaelBAL »

How do I set the time on my on board computer? I disconnected my battery and now it just has - - - - HRES.
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Re: How to upgrade Z-Box firmware, the simple way

Post by Ingrid »

I just updated my firmware this past weekend and couldn't get the bootloader installed. For anyone that may be having this same problem I followed the alternative installation method for a bootloader for the CR-10 on this instructable. Also I had numerous issues using Linux to do this; I don't usually use Linux but switching to a Windows PC really made things go smoother.
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