ZWay 2.2.0 with Netatmo?!

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Re: ZWay 2.2.0 with Netatmo?!

Post by fundy »

Ok guys,

@PoltoS thanks for the sources. This might be an attempt for a quick fix of netatmo index.js module code to use new getstationsdata API call instead of devicelist API call (so far with respect to Weather station API only/ Sorry, I did not fix the thermostat functions as I don't have any Netatmo thermostat) which was notified by Netatmo dev site to cease to work as from 30/10/2016. Furthermore, the fix now correctly parses the getstationsdata response and creates sensors for all modules including NAModule4 (additional indoor modules). Crucial changes are commented like this '//Fundy:.../. In order to improve the fixed source and enable to work in environments with several Netatmo WSes under the same netatmo user account, we would further need to amend the naming and numbering of the sensors with a reference to parent device (weather station) number. Now it's like "NetAtmo_12_WeatherModule_3_0 ". But it should be like "NetAtmo_12_WeatherModule_0_3_0 ". I did not have time to check the implications so this is not yet implemented.
I'm sorry for any errrors this is my very first attempt with JS.
modified module source only
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Re: ZWay 2.2.0 with Netatmo?!

Post by fundy »

I've improved the main code of netatmo module for Netatmo weather station using the new API. Fixed: sensor updates now finally work as they should and use new API methods, newly introduced multiple weather stations under the same netatmo account 3levels of sensor numbering.
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Re: ZWay 2.2.0 with Netatmo?!

Post by nord »

In the latest version information from all the sensors doesn't update until i press the "widget-update" button with the time of last update.

My current firmware version is: v2.3.0
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