Alarm Class 113:event missing

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Alarm Class 113:event missing

Post by piet66 »

In Alarm class, I'm missing the item 'event'. Apps processing this item don't work anymore. If it's intentionally removed, what can I do instead to make them run again?
What's the criterion to decide, which event has occurred?

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Bildschirmfoto vom 2023-07-22 08-58-37.png (53.18 KiB) Viewed 2586 times
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Bildschirmfoto vom 2023-07-22 09-02-47.png (47 KiB) Viewed 2586 times
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2
Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster, 32bit)
RaZberry by Z-Wave.Me(327) ZW0700 7.21.00 07.42/1766938484 1025/257
Z-Way version v4.1.2 from 2023-10-18 03:34:26 +0300
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Re: Alarm Class 113:event missing

Post by PoltoS »


The structure was improved. Please look on the new updated tree:

Code: Select all

V1supported             boolean flag saying if version 1 (deprecated) is supported
V1event                 structure to store V1 events
        alarmType       V1 alarm type
        level           V1 status
typeMask                bit mask of supported alarm types
[typeId]                subtree storing a specific alarm type
        typeString      name of the alarm type
        status          flag with alarm status (alarm enabled/disabled)
        sequence        internal; sequence number of the event
        eventMask       bit mask of supported events of this alarm type
        [eventId]       subtree storing a specific event type
                 status          event status
                 eventString     last event name
                 parameters      last event parameters
                 isState         TRUE if the event is a state change, FALSE if it is a notification of a stateless event
                 oppositeTo      internal; ID of the opposite event. Used for stateful events pairs
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Re: Alarm Class 113:event missing

Post by piet66 »

I've seen the changed structure. But how do I interpret it?

Which of the possible 7 event Id's is the current one?

Code: Select all

113: {

    name: "Alarm",
    data: {
        6: {
            6: {8 items},
            12: {8 items},
            13: {8 items},
            14: {8 items},
            15: {8 items},
            19: {8 items},
            20: {8 items},
            value: null,
            type: "empty",
            typeString: {
                value: "Access Control",
                type: "string",
                invalidateTime: 1571056584,
                updateTime: 1571056585
            status: {
                value: true,
                type: "bool",
                invalidateTime: 1571056584,
                updateTime: 1689755958
            eventMask: {
                value: [
                type: "binary",
                invalidateTime: 1571056584,
                updateTime: 1571056585
            sequence: {
                value: null,
                type: "empty",
                invalidateTime: 1571056584,
                updateTime: 1686735968
            invalidateTime: 1571056584,
            updateTime: 1689755958
        7: {9 items},
        value: null,
        type: "empty",
        supported: {4 items},
        version: {4 items},
        security: {4 items},
        interviewDone: {4 items},
        interviewCounter: {
            value: 9,
            type: "int",
            invalidateTime: 1571056567,
            updateTime: 1571056580
        V1supported: {
            value: false,
            type: "bool",
            invalidateTime: 1571056567,
            updateTime: 1571056584
        typeMask: {
            value: [
            type: "binary",
            invalidateTime: 1571056567,
            updateTime: 1571056584
        V1event: {
            value: null,
            type: "empty",
            alarmType: {
                value: null,
                type: "empty",
                invalidateTime: 1571056567,
                updateTime: 1571056568
            level: {
                value: null,
                type: "empty",
                invalidateTime: 1571056567,
                updateTime: 1571056568
            invalidateTime: 1571056567,
            updateTime: 1571056568
        invalidateTime: 1571056567,
        updateTime: 1571056568

Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2
Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster, 32bit)
RaZberry by Z-Wave.Me(327) ZW0700 7.21.00 07.42/1766938484 1025/257
Z-Way version v4.1.2 from 2023-10-18 03:34:26 +0300
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Re: Alarm Class 113:event missing

Post by PoltoS »

They can all be on or off. See the status field on each event.
Posts: 273
Joined: 04 Feb 2017 17:00

Re: Alarm Class 113:event missing

Post by piet66 »

Thank you
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2
Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster, 32bit)
RaZberry by Z-Wave.Me(327) ZW0700 7.21.00 07.42/1766938484 1025/257
Z-Way version v4.1.2 from 2023-10-18 03:34:26 +0300
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