Seeking brave testers for new Android app

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Joined: 04 Jan 2017 22:26

Seeking brave testers for new Android app

Post by Aegis »

Hi all!

I love my currently Razberry setup at home but I havent quite found a compatible Android app that suits my needs. There are plenty of apps out there ranging from the old and obsolete to the new and clunky. colin.cachia's Z-way client app which I actually just discovered yesterday is cool but it isnt quite compatible with how I tend to interact with my Z-way devices.

So why make another app?
Because I can. I've worked with Android development ever since Android came out and I am pretty confident when it comes to app development, using proper design patterns (MVP), testing, etc. I'm pretty convinced I can make a kick ass Z-Way client app and without making any promises I dont know if I can keep, I am pretty excited about the stuff I'm planning on implementing.

Development is currently well on it's way and can already list and control devices, but the app will do so much more and hopefully match and exceed the possibilities even the smarthome web GUI provides.

Awesome dude, so how can I help?
Well, thank you! At this early point in development I would really love to have a small group of able testers that can provide feedback on what works, what doesnt, feature suggestions, etc.

Just PM me your email address and write a few lines about how you use your Z-Way network (what device types, etc) and what Android device and Android version you're using and I'll add you as a Alpha tester so that you can get the app through Google Play. Expect app updates several times a week moving forward. As the app reaches a more mature state I will move on to a open beta test before eventually releasing the app to everyone as well as open sourcing the entire code base.

At the end of the day, I'm making this app out of the desire to make a really efficient, smart and smooth mobile Z-way experience. I perfectly understand if others are happy with the current offerings but I'd really appreciate it if others like my idea and would help develop it :)

Cheers all!
Posts: 87
Joined: 09 Oct 2016 15:24

Re: Seeking brave testers for new Android app

Post by IgoriokLT »

I would love to take a part, but unfortunately I cannot send PM's yet. I will leave my details here. So, my system:
RaZberry with Z-Way on board
Fibaro FGS-212 dimmer modules;
TKB TZ67E wall plugs;
Sonoff S20 WiFi wall plugs via HTTP Device;
Philio 4-in-1 multisensor;
Fibaro FGMS-001 multisensor;
Remotec ZRC-90 Scene Master.
Last edited by IgoriokLT on 08 Jan 2017 02:40, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 37
Joined: 04 Jan 2017 22:26

Re: Seeking brave testers for new Android app

Post by Aegis »


I'll send you an email with the details. However, you should probably edit your post and remove your email address from it to prevent spam bots from picking it up.
Posts: 87
Joined: 09 Oct 2016 15:24

Re: Seeking brave testers for new Android app

Post by IgoriokLT »

Thank you, got your email. I've removed my email address as you advised
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