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Danfoss lving connect

Posted: 17 May 2012 00:51
by Manders
I have a danfoss living connect radiator valve control installed and connected to z-cloud but heres the problem. In manual mode it works fine, however when i use it on automatic it switches to 18C. The valve does not therefore turn on. If i offset that by +3 degrees (e.g. 23+3) in z-cloud. That becomes 21C on the TRV and it then turns on (assuming a background temperature of ~20). If its set to 26 in the climate control that s still 18C on the valve and it does not turn on.

Initial setup seems to be crucial and difficult

Posted: 17 May 2012 00:51
by pz1
I have observed the same. I read somewhere that when a temperature schedule is active, it always displays 18C. I have also seen reports that it may take one to several hours before you see/hear the DLC respond. From my discussions with PoltoS I learned that the tricky part of using the Danfoss is to properly get it included and setup. See here:

Its strange that when you

Posted: 17 May 2012 00:51
by Manders
Its strange that when you send an offset to the climate schedule the device responds correctly e.g. offset the schedule by 3 deg and the 18C on the device goes to 21C and turns on, irregardless of what the climate schedule itself might say (e.g. 26C +3C). Seems to me the climate schedule is sending the wrong information.

Don't worry, the command is sent correctly.

Posted: 17 May 2012 00:51
by PoltoS
(This was previously described somewhere on the forum.)

Don't worry, the command is sent correctly. But Danfoss decided that their device will show not the actual temperature it have to maintain (SetPoint + ScheuldeSetBack), but SetPoint only. According to them, this is because after their analisys of user experience, most users uses SetPoint temperature as comfort and ScheduleSetBack (sent using ClimateControlSchedule Command Class) ony to shift to "energy save" or "away" mode. To mention, their Danfoss Link pannel can let you configure only two temperatures: comfort and away. They don't think user can use third one during the day! So, to summarize, DLC always show comfort temperature even if it is in "away" mode.

We believe that this is not the best user experienced and suggested to change this to always show actual temperature to be maintained. But the answer was quite usual: "we like it that way, order 5000 and we will make the change for you".

So, we decided to allow user to configure any temperatures and for this we use SetPoint to always 18 + device shift + room shift. And ScheduleSetBack is used to set schedule related changes.

So, if the schedule at this time gives 23 C, you want rise the room by 3 C and this particular thermostat lower by 1 C the calculus would be the following:
SetPoint = 18 + 3 - 1 = 20 C
SetBack = 23 - 18 = 5 C

Actual temperature = SetPoint + SetBack = 25 C
On DLC screen = SetPoint = 20 C


Posted: 17 May 2012 00:51
by Manders
If thats the case why does my thermostat turn on when I offset the climate schedule by +3deg so the DLC now reads 21C and turns on (with the room at actual 18C) whereas it did not turn on even with the climate schedule at 26C?

The Danfoss quote "we like

Posted: 17 May 2012 00:51
by pz1
The Danfoss quote "we like it that way, order 5000 and we will make the change for you" does not sound as if they have an open ear for consumer needs. It is the typical attitude that has marked the downfall of many big European manufacturers.

They do not mention the price for these devices, but the good news is that they are in principle capable of producing modified versions in moderate quantities. At an average consumer price of 60 Euro, a stock of say 300.000 Euro is a bit steep for a single company, but not completely impossible for a concerted action of number of them.

Don't ask us how does this

Posted: 17 May 2012 00:51
by PoltoS
Don't ask us how does this device work! We do not know neither :)

As for commands sent out, you can have a look in the queue inspector, that the command is sent out correctly. The rest is on Danfoss side.

Well i finally got it to work

Posted: 17 May 2012 00:51
by Manders
Well i finally got it to work by using a scehdule and sending out a script to set the setpoint. A bit clunky but functional at least. I really would like some help about editing the config file so i can use the climate schedule.

The idea that this is ever going to appeal to anybody other that IT geeks from the planet zog though is amusing to say the least.


Posted: 17 May 2012 00:51
by pz1
Could you please publish your script here? That could be useful for a special recipe page, which describes the best method to include/initialise the device and set it up to actualy control zones. As the discussions on this device stretch a long period, and the software has moved along one finds a number of conflicting peices of information here. A state of the art recipe would be welcome. I am happy to contribute to that

It was just a one liner

Posted: 17 May 2012 00:51
by Manders
It was just a one liner borrowed from another thread to set the setpoint, now the DLC is properly installed again i dont need it, the temperature is set through the device action option on the scene and triggered by a normal schedule, working ok so far, does what i want to do, but am keeping an eye on battery life. Cant imagine setting a set point twice a day should affect battery life at all but wil wait and see.