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Replace an UZB1 stick, maybe with backup & restore

Posted: 18 Mar 2017 04:47
by ekkzk5f
Hi all experts,
I want to replace a (probably defective) UZB1 stick which is in use with Open-ZWave library and a lot of devices spread over my home. Somewhere I've read that the UZB1 stick allows to backup and (probably more important) restore it's configuration. Hopefully this restore is also possible on another UZB1 stick, which originally have another HomeID as the old stick.

So, any hint on how I can replace one UZB1 stick by another UZB1 stick with OpenZWave lib without the need to include all my devices again?
Or is it possible to change the HomeID of an new UZB1 stick to my old one?
Maybe the concept of SUC controller could help here...
