Z-way server goes down spontaneously
Posted: 24 Feb 2019 17:37
Hello. Have RaspberryPi 3 + Razberry board, Raspbian Stretch + Z-way-server 2.3.8 (+ openHAB).
After upgrade z-way-server to 2.3.8 the server began to spontaneously go down:
I assume, this status means that daemon no longer active for some indefinite time.
Log doesn't say anything bad to me:
Web-interface and Android app don't work/connect either.
Service restart does nothing, but if i command systemctl to stop and then start service, it goes up for some time (2-10 hours) and repeats.
Can somebody tell me, where and how to find a solution? Because now I have no idea.
Also, I have a suspicion that this is somehow connected with the smart switch toggling, but all my attempts to reproduce it after the service restart failed.
After upgrade z-way-server to 2.3.8 the server began to spontaneously go down:
Code: Select all
pi@raspberrypi:~$ systemctl status z-way-server.service
● z-way-server.service - LSB: RaZberry Z-Wave service
Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/z-way-server; generated; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (exited) since Sat 2019-02-23 18:08:11 MSK; 22h ago
Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
Process: 23450 ExecStop=/etc/init.d/z-way-server stop (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 23467 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/z-way-server start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
фев 23 18:08:11 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting LSB: RaZberry Z-Wave service...
фев 23 18:08:11 raspberrypi z-way-server[23467]: Starting z-way-server: done.
фев 23 18:08:11 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started LSB: RaZberry Z-Wave service.
Log doesn't say anything bad to me:
Code: Select all
pi@raspberrypi:~$ tail -n 25 /var/log/z-way-server.log
[2019-02-24 15:33:23.838] [I] [core] Request was successful
[2019-02-24 15:33:24.141] [D] [zway] Job 0x13: deleted from queue
[2019-02-24 15:33:24.314] [D] [zway] Job 0x13: deleted from queue
[2019-02-24 15:33:24.476] [D] [zway] Job 0x13: deleted from queue
[2019-02-24 15:40:00.842] [I] [core] --- OpenWeatherDaylight_23 performCommand processing: {"0":"update"}
[2019-02-24 15:40:14.934] [D] [zway] RECEIVED: ( 01 0A 00 04 00 02 04 30 03 FF 0A 31 )
[2019-02-24 15:40:14.935] [D] [zway] SENT ACK
[2019-02-24 15:40:14.936] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.2.data.lastReceived = 0 (0x00000000)
[2019-02-24 15:40:14.937] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.2.instances.0.commandClasses.48.data.10.level = True
[2019-02-24 15:40:14.938] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.2.instances.0.commandClasses.48.data.10 = Empty
[2019-02-24 15:40:14.954] [D] [zway] RECEIVED: ( 01 0F 00 04 00 02 09 71 05 00 00 00 FF 06 16 00 64 )
[2019-02-24 15:40:14.955] [D] [zway] SENT ACK
[2019-02-24 15:40:14.957] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.2.data.lastReceived = 0 (0x00000000)
[2019-02-24 15:40:14.957] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.2.instances.0.commandClasses.113.data.6.eventParameters = byte[0]
[2019-02-24 15:40:14.958] [D] [zway] ( zero-length buffer )
[2019-02-24 15:40:14.959] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.2.instances.0.commandClasses.113.data.6.event = 22 (0x00000016)
[2019-02-24 15:40:14.963] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.2.instances.0.commandClasses.113.data.6.eventString = "Window/door is open"
[2019-02-24 15:40:14.964] [I] [core] (Mobile App Support) Notify listener (EventForwarding): "Door opened"
[2019-02-24 15:40:14.965] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.2.instances.0.commandClasses.113.data.6.status = 255 (0x000000ff)
[2019-02-24 15:40:14.966] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.2.instances.0.commandClasses.113.data.6 = Empty
[2019-02-24 15:40:14.973] [I] [core] Notification: device-info (device-OnOff): {"dev":"Задняя дверь","l":"on","location":1}
[2019-02-24 15:40:14.975] [I] [core] : ZWayVDev_zway_2-0-48-10 : on :
[2019-02-24 15:40:15.061] [I] [core] Notification: device-info (device-OnOff): {"dev":"Задняя дверь Access Control Alarm","l":"on","location":1}era
[2019-02-24 15:40:15.063] [I] [core] : ZWayVDev_zway_2-0-113-6-Door-A : on :
[2019-02-24 15:40:15.094] [I] [core] [BaseModule-17] Set lastLevel to on for ZWayVDev_zway_2-0-48-10 (was off)
Service restart does nothing, but if i command systemctl to stop and then start service, it goes up for some time (2-10 hours) and repeats.
Can somebody tell me, where and how to find a solution? Because now I have no idea.
Also, I have a suspicion that this is somehow connected with the smart switch toggling, but all my attempts to reproduce it after the service restart failed.