Fibaro 3 in 1 window/door sensors (FGK-101) not working

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Joined: 27 Sep 2013 12:35

Fibaro 3 in 1 window/door sensors (FGK-101) not working

Post by garp »

Recently i bought some Fibaro 3 in 1 window / door (FGK-101) sensors including temperature sensors . Added via Z-way and they also appear in Domoticz, the software that i use. Brilliant, so far so good.

What I do not understand is how I see if a door is open or closed. Also, the temperature is not or only very occasionally transmitted. One device doesn't update it's temperature at all. On another device I do not see that there is a tempertatuursensor in it, after including. In short, these things do not work very stable on my RaZberry.

I'm running Z-way 1.4.

Have any of you experience with these sensors in 'our' setup? How do I get these things working the way they should be?
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Joined: 09 Jan 2013 00:08

Well, I have 2 of them.

Post by graycrow »

Well, I have 2 of them. Planned to use as temperature sensors. So far no luck - one or another can "work" (if I can call this normal work - it not updates temperature constantly, only if requested update in the UI or randomly at all) but then it loosing interview results or adds multiple "imaginary" censors like humidity, etc. Also they periodically loosing it settings, fails all interview attempts, so you need to copy all settings from another one, but that another one will do the same soon. It is hard to include them, hard to re-include, you need to make some finger-dancing, remove battery, place or remove magnet and finally it includes, but you don't know how you did it and in a few days you need to start over again.
Posts: 10
Joined: 27 Sep 2013 12:35

Appareantly, this is going to

Post by garp »

Apparently, this is going to be fixed soon:

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