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Razberry Promiscuous

Posted: 08 Apr 2013 18:21
by Yepher
How can I put Razberry zwave chip into promiscuous mode?

Not entering Promiscuous mode

Posted: 08 Apr 2013 18:21
by Yepher
I am sending the following to the Razberry board:

0x01, 0x04, 0x00, 0xd0, 0xff, 0xd4

and I am getting back the 0x06 ACK back from the board.

For some reason I am only seeing the normal data and not the promiscuous data.

Any idea why this is not working?


Posted: 08 Apr 2013 18:21
by elegant
So, if i can relate to my experience with ZigBee/Xbee... (and i am not 100% sure this is the answer, just shooting from the hip)

With Xbee, there is a mcu on the board (board: in this case the razberry) which handles a bulk of the low level communication. Only when unsupported or specific pass-through commands are recieved by the board is it passed out the uart/serial interface as is.

So with this in mind, it may be possible that when you send the data to the board it is being processed and only the resultant of the operation is being passed out through serial, resulting in seeing the 0x06 ACK.

Normally a special transceiver is necessary to act as a sniffer/promiscuous device. Is the Razberry capable of operating in this mode?

It is my understanding the

Posted: 08 Apr 2013 18:21
by Yepher
It is my understanding the ZM3102 supports promiscuous mode but I am not sure if the firmware supports it.

You get and ACK sine the f/w

Posted: 08 Apr 2013 18:21
by PoltoS
You get and ACK sine the f/w on the RaZberry board has got the command (it is just a confirmation of delivery via UART).

But nothing will happen, since this f/w does not support promisc mode. A special installer f/w is needed to have promisc mode enabled. By the way, there is an Expert->Controller info tab, where you can see the list of supported commands. And 0xd0 is not in the list...