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Create multi channel switch

Posted: 27 Oct 2016 22:41
by xibriz
Is it possible to use the Z-Uno to create some sort of a multi channel switch?

Backstory: I use Telldus. Telldus does not support Z-Wave Sence, but has Events. I want to use the Z-Uno as a tripple switch. Switch one triggers one event in Telldus, Swtich two triggers another event and so on.

I have created a test Sketch, but dont get the desired result.

If I create a Sketch with two channels of Switch Binary, I get three Devices in Telldus. The Z-Uno as one Device and Channel1 and Channel2 as seperate devices.

When I turn the devices of channel1 and channel2 on/off in Telldus the right setter functions gets called on the Z-Uno.

But when I change the values that the getter functions are reporting, and then calling zunoSendReport(channel) to notify the controller, only the main Z-Uno device gets turned on in Telldus, and only from Channel 1, not Channel 2.

Ok, I know that there was something about the same type on different channels, so I change channel 2 to be a dimmer. Then both channels update the main Z-Uno device in Telldus, not the respectively channel Device.

So what I am asking i guess.. is my dream impossible? Or does my controller sucks (Telldus)? Or a bit of both?

Re: Create multi channel switch

Posted: 29 Oct 2016 18:43
by michap
Yes, it should work, if I understand the requirement right.

Look at certified sample sketch:

Here are 3 switches.
I do not know the Telldus controller - and the Z-Wave software version.
But I think from Z-Uno side it should work.


Re: Create multi channel switch

Posted: 07 Nov 2016 09:35
by xibriz
After extensive testing, I can verify that Z-Way supports what I'm trying to do. Telldus does not.