Servo library not working?

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Servo library not working?

Post by intveltr »

I've started some experimentation with servos using version 2.0.9. The example sketch worked though the servo had a lot of jitter. However since version 2.1.0, the servo library appears to have stopped working altogether. Using the same circuit and sketch, the servo no longer responds at all.

What is the status of servo support?
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Re: Servo library not working?

Post by PoltoS »

Hello! Indeed servo is not working now as expected. We are aware about the problem and it is in our short list.

We will fix it approximately next week. Please stay tuned
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Re: Servo library not working?

Post by vangoober »

Has there been an update to the servo library? Is it working? In my project I intend to control 4 servos, on PWMs 1-4, to drive window shutters on 4 windows. While I would *like* to be able to control them all simultaneously, if this is an issue or limitation, I could conceivably drive them one-at-a-time.

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Re: Servo library not working?

Post by vangoober »

I'm running the SimpleServo example, with just one servo, trying pins 13 and 14. In either case, I'm noticing a curious pulsing of the servo that is increasingly large the closer the servo position command is to 0; the close the command is to 180, the less noticeable the pulse is. The pulse occurs every ~1.6 seconds. When driving the servo on pin 13, I can see evidence of the pulse on the User LED as well, whether I have a servo connected or not.

Has this been observed by anyone else? Assuming it has, is there any plan to fix this?

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