I use HA 2023.7.1 with Z-Wave JS UI 1.14.0
Firmware ZUNO 3.0.10 (but tried with 3.0.12 beta too)
First troube is with HA as I shoul introduce 3 digit value for setting temp setpoint I guess this is an HA issue, but if some one knows how to solve it awould be great.
Anyway the main question of this topic is that if I want to set a lower value as 128 ( for 12.8°) I get a fault and the callbacp procedure void setterTemp(BYTE mode, WORD temp) is not called.
WHitin value from 128 and higher it works fine.
If I set a value highe than the highe limit. It works and give back the maxi value I've set in the declaration
getterMode, setterMode, getterTemp, setterTemp)
in my configuration 30°
Is it a bug that lower value thant 128 are not accepted? any work around? (I've tested on Jeedom and get same issues
Kind regards
Error setting "thermostat setpoint" value between -12.8 and + 12.8°C
Re: Error setting "thermostat setpoint" value between -12.8 and + 12.8°C
Can you give me the minimal sketch that causes the error?
Can you give me the minimal sketch that causes the error?