Clarify Python things with ZWay/Razberry

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Clarify Python things with ZWay/Razberry

Post by dickymoe »

Hi, I'm a new user end I've some questions :
It looks like the core backend is write in python and we can make scene in python (not tests)

I can't find python files described in file overview in

In "" they never talk about python.

I would like to command my ZWave network with python scripts, so I would like the ZWaveDataAPI to access to the data (if possible).

I can do it with json (I already use requests to make my requests) and it's ok. But if a python module exist it's better to use it.

So Is it possible to clarify the position of python scripting and javascript/json ?

Python was replaced by javascript ? Or it's just to simplify getting data from web pages ?

For instance have python module is interesting to make a web site based on django !


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The version working on

Post by PoltoS »

The version working on RaZberry is not in python, but on pure C/C++. Python version is used in Z-Cloud solution.
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Why theses distinctions ?

Post by dickymoe »

Why theses distinctions ?
For exemple why we can't make automation on Razberry ? And python scripting ?

It's on the way or will never be here ?

Because the Razberry version and Z-cloud version are almost similar.

When I bought the razberry I thought the automation was on it and not only on z-cloud...
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RaZberry is mostly inspired

Post by PoltoS »

RaZberry is mostly inspired by our Z-Cloud software. But we have changed technology decision since: Python is replaced by JavaScript as more powerful and fast solution.

And it also gives the possibility to use tour s/w as library (in your own s/w), compared to Python code, which is strictly standalone.

The automation will become available on RaZberry this month. It will be totally different, but more flexible, imho.
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Thanks for clarification.

Post by dickymoe »

Thanks for clarification.
I think using JSON is a good solution to separate backend and frontend.

It's a very good news for automation on Razberry ! I'm wainting for it.
I hope python scripting will be there too.

You don't have old python ZWavaAPI available at this time to use ZWay data in python scripts ?

Thanks for you answers.
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It is not available fur end

Post by PoltoS »

It is not available fur end users. We only use it in commercial projects. We have some internal reasons to do it that way. We apologize
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What no Python support?

Post by danilo »

I don't get it. Are you saying we won't be able to access ZWay on Razberry through Python?
I invested a lot of time sorting out the issues with my Aeon Labs HEM and NorthQ setup and I planned to log the data with a Python script. Why would you not support such projects? What is Razberry then good for if I cannot use the API?

Can I script a simple datalogger with your forthcoming automation engine that logs the meter and sensor data, packs it in a .csv file and sends it to a internet location once a day? (If not, why would you not allow me to do that by myself by opening up the Python API?)
Also, what do you mean by Python support is only available for commercial projects?
How do I qualify for a commercial project?

There are many open questions and it appears Python is the favourite approach for many of us who bought your Razberry solution. Now I'm totally stuck with my project.
It would be great to have more information about what the upcoming automation engine can do and what interfaces it supports.
I think with Razberry you have created a great product that is perfectly suitable for fast-prototyping, semi-pro solutions and amateurs. Not supporting the announced API and leaving the supporters, fans and customers in the dark about the roadmap will not make it more successful.

I really need to know if I can interface with the Razberry with my own SW , otherwise I have to give up on this platform Can you enlighten us?
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I see some misunderstanding

Post by PoltoS »

I see some misunderstanding here...

You have asked about our Python Z-Way version. The answer was relevant only to that piece of software. The current Z-Way is ported to C and JS, so there are no Python anymore in the project.

Our goal is to provide people with an easy and robust API to access Z-Wave. We will support and improve this API in futre. This API is our most important distinctive feature from other platforms!

We are open to all Python bindings to our RaZberry project and we apreciate that people are sharing. Python is a great language to do fast data mining programs. And we believe that it will be used with Z-Way on Raspberry Pi to gather data and send it to cloud or databases.

We used Python for two years developing Z-Way/Z-Cloud, but for performance reasons we have switched from it. The old 100% Python version of Z-Way is not distributed to end customers. We believe the current C/JS version is much better!

So, to summarize, the API will be maintained as long as the project will live, you can be sure that we will not close it, you can do your own home automation projects based on RaZberry and Python.
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No Python :-(

Post by OnnoH »

This month is almost over 4 months ago. Perhaps automation is there, but not mentioned in the documentation>

Why not support both JavaScript and Python? JavaScript is client side only, while Python can also serve. The Pi being a perfect platform for that as well.

Seems to me that you are heading in the same direction as Zipato. Configure your home automation in the cloud. People like me however would rather be in control of the server ourselves. Guess we're on our own on that one...
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It is just very hard to

Post by PoltoS »

It is just very hard to support two languages even on different sides. We decided to support only JS. In addition Python is way to slow even on RaZberry, so we had to drop our old Python version of Z-Way (still used in Z-Cloud) and make the C/JS version (the one for RaZberry).

No, we do not go in cloud model at all, we are just facing some human resources limits. Our home automation is on it's way. Hope we can show it in it's beauty in August/September.
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