Qubino inclusion nightmare

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Qubino inclusion nightmare

Post by geirgp »

So I've got 4 Qubino flush mount modules, a 1-way switch (ZMNHAD1) and 3 dimmers (ZMNHDD1). I'm sure I'll see gray hair in the mirror tomorrow morning, these devices were a struggle to include and get just the basics working. There are still some more issues to sort out, but now I can at least control them via z-way.

Some of the issues I've been having
* Incomplete interview - No CCs at all
* Partially incomplete interviews (4-8 CCs). Force interview not working. Device seen as dead again
* Devices seen as "dead" immediately after interview, despite being only 20cm from rpi/uzb1.
* "Dead" devices not removed from Z-way after exclusion (probably because z-way didn't see them as his "own", message said "excluded from foreign network")
* "Dead" devices not always showing up as failed (seems like the uzb1 saw them from time to time) -> difficult to get rid of, must cut mains power in order for them to show up as failed and then manually remove
* "Ghost" devices - if i forgot to remove a "dead" device before including it again -> same physical device has 2 devices in z-way - at least one of them bad: the ghost/duplicate. Cutting mains power to be able to fail the ghost only screwed up the other device which was actually working(!). Probably because they had same physical identifiers or something -> start all over again.

I'm all new to z-wave and z-way and I did expect to run into some issues when I started this project. However, it took me a good 4-5 hours to get all 4 devices included with (almost) complete interviews and no "ghost" devices. After a lot of trying/failing I worked out a procedure that worked most of the time:

1. Z-way -> start exclusion
2. Push button on dimmer/switch for 2 secs.
3. Z-way confirms exclusion from foreign network
4. Cut mains power
5. Cold reboot of rpi/z-way
6. Connect mains power
7. Place UZB1 controller close to the device to include (Qubino manual says less than 1 meter, I used 20cm)
8. Z-Way -> start inclusion
9. Push button on dimmer/switch for 2 secs
10. Check the devices interview results. 50% chance of having incomplete interview and "device appears to be dead" -> go back to step #1

Should it really be that hard? Probably no, because some of the other modules I have (non Qubino) are much easier to include)

Also, 6 instances of 2 different CC types refuse to finish interview. All the important CCs seem to have completed interview though, and it is the same for all 4 qubino modules that doesn't complete:

Command Class / Instances
Alarm / 0,2,3
Version / 1,2,3

These Qubino modules do not officially support the Alarm CC (at least not listed in the user manual), and the interviews probably fail because the Qubino modules incorrectly advertise that they support Alarm CC while they don't. I am in other words doomed to live with a "device interview incomplete" warning for every Qubino module I add to my network - THAT is annoying. Are there any ways to suppress such warnings - for specific devices of course, I still want to know about other "non-permanent" incomplete interviews? I know a FW update from Qubino is the correct fix, but.. don't think that will happen too soon..

Also any thoughts on the Version CC failing (that one is listed in documentation as supported, it should have completed interview)- does it really mean anything that it failed? I really don't see the need for it in neither my day to day usage nor configuration of the z-wave network.
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Re: Qubino inclusion nightmare

Post by geirgp »

Incomplete interview (Alarm+Version)
As indicated in the OP, I got these devices included with MOST of the CC's interviews completed. Only missing Alarm and Version, not too important for my use. These interviews do not complete even when forced manually. Same problem with 4 different Qubino modules (3 dimmers, 1 switch).

Control + sensors work with z-way
I can turn the devices on/off, set dim level from z-way, and they report sensor/meter data (A,V,W..), so despite the missing Alarm/Version interviews they seem to work fine.

But associations not working, nothing in UI
However, 2 of the dimmers are ceiling mounted without a physical switch attached. My plan was to control them from the 3rd dimmer through associations, it has 3 physical switches attached.

The problem is that there are no options available for any of these devices on the "associations" tab. I only see the "Update from device" button and the legend section below.

If I click "Update from device" I can see in the log file that the dimmer does report back some "Association" information (see log extract below), but the Expert UI shows nothing so I cannot set up the associations I need.

Quick fix?
Is there a way to manually set up the associations using the REST api? (Assuming this is a ui-problem)

Permanent fix?
Could the incomplete interview be the cause of these issues? If so, quite annoying since I'm only missing Alarm/Version - which to my knowledge are not needed.

If incomplete interview is not the cause of no association options then what is? Could someone please take a look at the log (excerpt below, or full debug log here: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/8886ec91529b8bda5e67)?

Why are these interviews failing?
The Alarm cc is not listed as a available CC in the Qubino user manual. Could be a FW bug where it incorrectly announces it, I've read on this forum that some other devices report CC's they really not support. Version CC is listed though, so not sure why that doesn't complete.

z-way log during "update from device" (trimmed: no debug and removed some info-level noise too). full log here: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/8886ec91529b8bda5e67.

[2015-12-05 14:56:07.571] [zway] Node 15:0 CC Association: Group 1 report
[2015-12-05 14:56:08.603] [zway] Node 15:0 CC Association: Group 5 report
[2015-12-05 14:56:13.691] [W] [zway] Received SOF, while awaiting ACK
[2015-12-05 14:56:13.692] [zway] Node 15:0 CC Association: Group 9 report
[2015-12-05 14:56:14.177] [zway] Node 15:0 CC Association: Group 10 report
[2015-12-05 14:56:16.876] [zway] Node 15:0 CC MultiChannelAssociation: Group 7 report
[2015-12-05 14:56:17.056] [W] [zway] Received SOF, while awaiting ACK
[2015-12-05 14:56:17.057] [zway] Node 15:0 CC MultiChannelAssociation: Group 8 report
[2015-12-05 14:56:17.605] [W] [zway] Received SOF, while awaiting ACK
[2015-12-05 14:56:17.606] [zway] Node 15:0 CC MultiChannelAssociation: Group 9 report
[2015-12-05 14:56:18.145] [W] [zway] Received SOF, while awaiting ACK
[2015-12-05 14:56:18.146] [zway] Node 15:0 CC MultiChannelAssociation: Group 10 report
[2015-12-05 14:56:18.600] [zway] Removing job: MultiChannelAssociation Get
[2015-12-05 14:56:18.683] [zway] Node 15:0 CC MultiChannelAssociation: Group 11 report
[2015-12-05 14:56:18.976] [W] [zway] Received SOF, while awaiting ACK
[2015-12-05 14:56:18.977] [I] [zway] Node 15:1 CC Association: Group 2 report
[2015-12-05 14:56:19.809] [I] [zway] Node 15:1 CC Association: Group 3 report
[2015-12-05 14:56:20.257] [I] [zway] Node 15:1 CC Association: Group 4 report
[2015-12-05 14:56:20.446] [W] [zway] Received SOF, while awaiting ACK
[2015-12-05 14:56:20.447] [I] [zway] Node 15:1 CC MultiChannelAssociation: Group 1 report
[2015-12-05 14:56:20.986] [W] [zway] Received SOF, while awaiting ACK
[2015-12-05 14:56:20.987] [I] [zway] Node 15:1 CC MultiChannelAssociation: Group 2 report
[2015-12-05 14:56:21.536] [W] [zway] Received SOF, while awaiting ACK
[2015-12-05 14:56:21.538] [I] [zway] Node 15:1 CC MultiChannelAssociation: Group 3 report
[2015-12-05 14:56:22.076] [W] [zway] Received SOF, while awaiting ACK
[2015-12-05 14:56:22.077] [I] [zway] Node 15:1 CC MultiChannelAssociation: Group 4 report
[2015-12-05 14:56:22.806] [W] [zway] Received SOF, while awaiting ACK
[2015-12-05 14:56:22.807] [I] [zway] Node 15:2 CC Association: Group 1 report
[2015-12-05 14:56:23.366] [I] [zway] Node 15:2 CC Association: Group 2 report
[2015-12-05 14:56:23.969] [I] [zway] Node 15:2 CC Association: Group 2 report
[2015-12-05 14:56:24.316] [W] [zway] Received SOF, while awaiting ACK
[2015-12-05 14:56:24.317] [I] [zway] Node 15:2 CC MultiChannelAssociation: Group 1 report
[2015-12-05 14:56:24.855] [I] [zway] Node 15:2 CC MultiChannelAssociation: Group 2 report
[2015-12-05 14:56:25.247] [W] [zway] Received SOF, while awaiting ACK
[2015-12-05 14:56:25.248] [I] [zway] Node 15:2 CC MultiChannelAssociation: Group 4 report
[2015-12-05 14:56:25.856] [W] [zway] Received SOF, while awaiting ACK
[2015-12-05 14:56:25.857] [I] [zway] Node 15:3 CC Association: Group 1 report
[2015-12-05 14:56:26.396] [I] [zway] Node 15:3 CC Association: Group 2 report
[2015-12-05 14:56:26.836] [W] [zway] Received SOF, while awaiting ACK
[2015-12-05 14:56:26.837] [I] [zway] Node 15:3 CC Association: Group 3 report
[2015-12-05 14:56:27.376] [W] [zway] Received SOF, while awaiting ACK
[2015-12-05 14:56:27.377] [I] [zway] Node 15:3 CC Association: Group 4 report
[2015-12-05 14:56:27.916] [W] [zway] Received SOF, while awaiting ACK
[2015-12-05 14:56:27.917] [I] [zway] Node 15:3 CC MultiChannelAssociation: Group 1 report
[2015-12-05 14:56:28.666] [W] [zway] No job of class 0x13 is waiting for callback 0xa7
[2015-12-05 14:56:28.666] [E] [zway] SendData callback Id is invalid: 0xa7! Probably too late
[2015-12-05 14:56:28.676] [W] [zway] No job of class 0x13 is waiting for callback 0xa7
[2015-12-05 14:56:28.676] [E] [zway] SendData callback Id is invalid: 0xa7! Probably too late
[2015-12-05 14:56:28.686] [I] [zway] Node 15:3 CC MultiChannelAssociation: Group 2 report
[2015-12-05 14:56:28.857] [W] [zway] Received SOF, while awaiting ACK
[2015-12-05 14:56:28.863] [I] [zway] Node 15:3 CC MultiChannelAssociation: Group 3 report
[2015-12-05 14:56:29.387] [I] [zway] Node 15:3 CC MultiChannelAssociation: Group 4 report
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Re: Qubino inclusion nightmare

Post by geirgp »

One more detail.

Despite having no options available under the "Associations" -tab, it seems that z-way, to some extent, knows of the associations this device support because the ZDDX generator does in fact generate "assoc" sections for all the groups: https://gist.github.com/geirgp/991a844cd318c74e2c70

Status summary
* Device Interview partially complete (missing Version+Alarm classes)
* ZDDX file generated by Z-way includes all 11 groups I expect to find (cross-checked with OpenZwave's config: https://github.com/OpenZWave/open-zwave ... MNHDD1.xml)
* Manually modified the z-way config file and changed "supported" to "false" for the command classes that failed interview -> device status in zway no longer "incomplete interview", all green but no association options.

To me it seems that the device correctly reports the associations it supports, and that z-way is able to read that (ref generated zddx)

Could anyone shed some light on what is required for association options to show up in expert ui?

I'm all stuck here. Got 2 ceiling mounted dimmers that are supposed to be controlled by the 3rd one through associations. Wify will not be happy if I haven't gotten that sorted (she doesn't know of the issues yet) by the time we move in next week, turning lights on/off should simply just work...
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Re: Qubino inclusion nightmare

Post by PoltoS »

Please show the UI screenshot. The log looks correctly
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Re: Qubino inclusion nightmare

Post by geirgp »

PoltoS wrote:Please show the UI screenshot. The log looks correctly
Screenshot attached. I also included the developer console which I wish I looked at earlier: seems like it is a problem with the angular code.
associations tab and console
associations tab and console
Screen Shot 2015-12-26 at 21.11.20.png (275.97 KiB) Viewed 25001 times
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Re: Qubino inclusion nightmare

Post by geirgp »

I got the associations tab working, sort of, by changing line 29 in expert/app/views/configuration/assoc.html from

Code: Select all

<tr ng-repeat="v in assocGroups track by v.groupId">

Code: Select all

<tr ng-repeat="v in assocGroups track by $index">
The problem is that the expert ui/associations does not currently support devices that advertise associations on more than 1 instance (0).

I say "sort of" because all association groups on instance/endpoint > 0 uses the labels and "associated node info" from instance/endpoint 0. The expoert ui/associations -tab is effectively useless for devices which support associations on instance/endpoint > 0.
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Re: Qubino inclusion nightmare

Post by alokin79 »

im also stuck with the incomplete inclusion but my error is just the command class get "Version"

i found the xml file for the (flush 2 relay) but how do i exclude the get "version" command?

file name 791-0159-0002-0051-03-04-05- in ZDDX folder right?
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Re: Qubino inclusion nightmare

Post by PoltoS »

@geirgp, thanks for fixing it. This will be part of the new RC
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Re: Qubino inclusion nightmare

Post by bogr »

alokin79 wrote:im also stuck with the incomplete inclusion but my error is just the command class get "Version"

i found the xml file for the (flush 2 relay) but how do i exclude the get "version" command?

file name 791-0159-0002-0051-03-04-05- in ZDDX folder right?
I have the exact same problem. Only "Version" class is not complete, but the device works otherwise, i.e. I can switch my lamps on/off. Any ideas how to get the "Version"-interview to work? My logs when I press the "Force Interview" for the Version (btw I have 2 versions since it's the Flush 2 relay, and no version is working):
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.632] [D] [zway] RECEIVED: ( 01 08 00 04 00 04 02 84 07 76 )
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.633] [D] [zway] SENT ACK
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.633] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastReceived = 0 (0x00000000)
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.633] [zway] Node 4:0 CC Wakeup: Wakeup notification
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.633] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.instances.0.commandClasses.132.data.lastWakeup = 1452847783 (0x5698b2a7)
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.633] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastSend = 144751 (0x0002356f)
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.633] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastNonceGet = 143751 (0x00023187)
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.633] [D] [zway] Running wakeup handler for node 4
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.634] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.instances.0.commandClasses.132.data.lastSleep = 1452847783 (0x5698b2a7)
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.634] [zway] Node 4:0 CC Wakeup: Send node to sleep
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.634] [zway] Adding job: Wakeup Sleep
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.653] [zway] Node 4:0 CC Security: sending Nonce Get
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.653] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.instances.0.commandClasses.152.data.rNonceAckWait = **********
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.653] [zway] Job 0x13 (Wakeup Sleep): Cancelling job: Wakeup Sleep
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.653] [zway] Removing job: Wakeup Sleep
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.653] [zway] Adding job: Nonce Get
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.653] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.instances.0.commandClasses.132.data.lastSleep = 1452847783 (0x5698b2a7)
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.653] [zway] Node 4:0 CC Wakeup: Send node to sleep
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.654] [zway] Adding job: Wakeup Sleep
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.654] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastNonceGet = 144752 (0x00023570)
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.705] [D] [zway] SENDING (cb 0x57): ( 01 1F 00 13 04 18 98 81 32 97 F7 5D D2 C9 1D 74 19 5D 2B 62 6D 88 D8 08 66 0C 17 48 03 7A 05 57 AD )
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.708] [D] [zway] RECEIVED ACK
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.713] [D] [zway] RECEIVED: ( 01 04 01 13 01 E8 )
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.713] [D] [zway] SENT ACK
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.713] [zway] Job 0x13 (Security, SensorMultilevel V5 Get): Response received - transfered to encapsulated jobs
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.713] [D] [zway] Delivered to Z-Wave stack
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.713] [D] [zway] Delivered to Z-Wave stack
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.736] [D] [zway] RECEIVED: ( 01 07 00 13 57 00 00 02 BE )
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.736] [D] [zway] SENT ACK
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.737] [I] [zway] Job 0x13 (Security, SensorMultilevel V5 Get): Callback received - transfered to encapsulated jobs
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.737] [I] [zway] Job 0x13 (SensorMultilevel V5 Get): Delivered
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.737] [D] [zway] SendData Response with callback 0x57 received: received by recipient
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.737] [I] [zway] Job 0x13 (Security, SensorMultilevel V5 Get): Delivered
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.737] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastPacketInfo.delivered = True
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.737] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastPacketInfo.packetLength = 27 (0x0000001b)
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.738] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastPacketInfo.deliveryTime = 24 (0x00000018)
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.738] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastPacketInfo = **********
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.738] [D] [zway] SendData Response with callback 0x57 received: received by recipient
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.738] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastSend = 144761 (0x00023579)
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.738] [D] [zway] Job 0x13 (Security, SensorMultilevel V5 Get): success
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.739] [I] [zway] Removing job: Security, SensorMultilevel V5 Get
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.807] [D] [zway] SENDING (cb 0x58): ( 01 09 00 13 04 02 98 40 05 58 66 )
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.809] [D] [zway] RECEIVED ACK
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.813] [D] [zway] RECEIVED: ( 01 04 01 13 01 E8 )
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.813] [D] [zway] SENT ACK
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.813] [D] [zway] Delivered to Z-Wave stack
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.837] [D] [zway] RECEIVED: ( 01 07 00 13 58 00 00 02 B1 )
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.837] [D] [zway] SENT ACK
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.837] [I] [zway] Job 0x13 (Nonce Get): Delivered
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.837] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastPacketInfo.delivered = True
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.837] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastPacketInfo.packetLength = 5 (0x00000005)
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.837] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastPacketInfo.deliveryTime = 24 (0x00000018)
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.838] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastPacketInfo = **********
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.838] [D] [zway] SendData Response with callback 0x58 received: received by recipient
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.838] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastSend = 144771 (0x00023583)
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.838] [D] [zway] Job 0x13 (Nonce Get): success
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.838] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.instances.0.commandClasses.152.data.rNonceAckWait = **********
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.838] [I] [zway] Removing job: Nonce Get
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.848] [D] [zway] RECEIVED: ( 01 10 00 04 00 04 0A 98 80 22 85 E2 E6 CB 2F 0F D4 61 )
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.848] [D] [zway] SENT ACK
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.848] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastReceived = 0 (0x00000000)
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.848] [I] [zway] Node 4:0 CC Security: received Nonce Report
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.848] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.instances.0.commandClasses.152.data.rNonce = **********
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.848] [I] [zway] Removing job: SensorMultilevel V5 Get
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.848] [I] [zway] Node 4:0 CC Security: Sending a secure message
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.849] [I] [zway] Node 4:0 CC Security: sending encrypted packet: SensorMultilevel V5 Get
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.849] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.instances.0.commandClasses.152.data.toFollow = False
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.849] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastNonceGet = Empty
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.849] [I] [zway] Job 0x13 (Wakeup Sleep): Cancelling job: Wakeup Sleep
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.849] [I] [zway] Removing job: Wakeup Sleep
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.849] [I] [zway] Adding job: Security, SensorMultilevel V5 Get
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.849] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.instances.0.commandClasses.132.data.lastSleep = 1452847783 (0x5698b2a7)
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.849] [I] [zway] Node 4:0 CC Wakeup: Send node to sleep
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.850] [I] [zway] Adding job: Wakeup Sleep
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.909] [D] [zway] SENDING (cb 0x59): ( 01 1F 00 13 04 18 98 81 59 7A 95 0C FF F8 F0 EF 7B 18 3A F7 90 22 1B A5 A6 87 50 F2 97 13 05 59 AD )
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.912] [D] [zway] RECEIVED ACK
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.917] [D] [zway] RECEIVED: ( 01 04 01 13 01 E8 )
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.917] [D] [zway] SENT ACK
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.917] [I] [zway] Job 0x13 (Security, SensorMultilevel V5 Get): Response received - transfered to encapsulated jobs
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.917] [D] [zway] Delivered to Z-Wave stack
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.917] [D] [zway] Delivered to Z-Wave stack
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.940] [D] [zway] RECEIVED: ( 01 07 00 13 59 00 00 03 B1 )
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.940] [D] [zway] SENT ACK
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.941] [I] [zway] Job 0x13 (Security, SensorMultilevel V5 Get): Callback received - transfered to encapsulated jobs
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.941] [I] [zway] Job 0x13 (SensorMultilevel V5 Get): Delivered
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.941] [D] [zway] SendData Response with callback 0x59 received: received by recipient
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.941] [I] [zway] Job 0x13 (Security, SensorMultilevel V5 Get): Delivered
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.941] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastPacketInfo.delivered = True
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.941] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastPacketInfo.packetLength = 27 (0x0000001b)
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.941] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastPacketInfo.deliveryTime = 23 (0x00000017)
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.941] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastPacketInfo = **********
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.942] [D] [zway] SendData Response with callback 0x59 received: received by recipient
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.942] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastSend = 144781 (0x0002358d)
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.942] [D] [zway] Job 0x13 (Security, SensorMultilevel V5 Get): success
[2016-01-15 09:49:43.942] [I] [zway] Removing job: Security, SensorMultilevel V5 Get
[2016-01-15 09:49:44.015] [D] [zway] SENDING (cb 0x5a): ( 01 09 00 13 04 02 84 08 05 5A 30 )
[2016-01-15 09:49:44.016] [D] [zway] RECEIVED ACK
[2016-01-15 09:49:44.020] [D] [zway] RECEIVED: ( 01 04 01 13 01 E8 )
[2016-01-15 09:49:44.020] [D] [zway] SENT ACK
[2016-01-15 09:49:44.020] [D] [zway] Delivered to Z-Wave stack
[2016-01-15 09:49:44.096] [D] [zway] RECEIVED: ( 01 07 00 13 5A 00 00 08 B9 )
[2016-01-15 09:49:44.096] [D] [zway] SENT ACK
[2016-01-15 09:49:44.096] [I] [zway] Job 0x13 (Wakeup Sleep): Delivered
[2016-01-15 09:49:44.096] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastPacketInfo.delivered = True
[2016-01-15 09:49:44.097] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastPacketInfo.packetLength = 5 (0x00000005)
[2016-01-15 09:49:44.097] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastPacketInfo.deliveryTime = 75 (0x0000004b)
[2016-01-15 09:49:44.097] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastPacketInfo = **********
[2016-01-15 09:49:44.097] [D] [zway] SendData Response with callback 0x5a received: received by recipient
[2016-01-15 09:49:44.097] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastSend = 144796 (0x0002359c)
[2016-01-15 09:49:44.097] [D] [zway] Job 0x13 (Wakeup Sleep): success
[2016-01-15 09:49:44.098] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.isAwake = False
[2016-01-15 09:49:44.098] [D] [zway] Sending the queue for node 4 into sleep
[2016-01-15 09:49:44.098] [I] [zway] Removing job: Wakeup Sleep
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.030] [D] [zway] RECEIVED: ( 01 08 00 04 00 04 02 98 40 2D )
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.030] [D] [zway] SENT ACK
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.030] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastReceived = 0 (0x00000000)
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.030] [I] [zway] Node 4:0 CC Security: sending Nonce Report
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.030] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.isAwake = True
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.031] [I] [zway] Adding job: Nonce Report
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.031] [D] [zway] SENDING (cb 0x5b): ( 01 11 00 13 04 0A 98 80 57 6A FE 87 44 16 2B 08 05 5B 80 )
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.040] [D] [zway] RECEIVED ACK
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.040] [D] [zway] RECEIVED: ( 01 04 01 13 01 E8 )
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.041] [D] [zway] SENT ACK
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.041] [D] [zway] Delivered to Z-Wave stack
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.060] [D] [zway] RECEIVED: ( 01 07 00 13 5B 00 00 02 B2 )
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.060] [D] [zway] SENT ACK
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.060] [I] [zway] Job 0x13 (Nonce Report): Delivered
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.060] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastPacketInfo.delivered = True
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.061] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastPacketInfo.packetLength = 13 (0x0000000d)
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.061] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastPacketInfo.deliveryTime = 19 (0x00000013)
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.061] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastPacketInfo = **********
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.061] [D] [zway] SendData Response with callback 0x5b received: received by recipient
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.061] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastSend = 145086 (0x000236be)
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.061] [D] [zway] Job 0x13 (Nonce Report): success
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.061] [I] [zway] Removing job: Nonce Report
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.083] [D] [zway] RECEIVED: ( 01 1F 00 04 00 04 19 98 81 BF 01 62 76 35 02 B3 EC 24 AD 21 64 57 A5 57 64 7C 14 2D F9 B5 A1 D4 53 )
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.083] [D] [zway] SENT ACK
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.083] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.data.lastReceived = 0 (0x00000000)
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.083] [I] [zway] Node 4:0 CC Security: Received a secure message
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.084] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.instances.0.commandClasses.152.data.firstPart = **********
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.084] [I] [zway] Node 4:0 CC Security: passing decrypted packet to application level: [ 31 05 1b 01 00 ]
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.084] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.instances.0.commandClasses.49.data.27.deviceScale = 0 (0x00000000)
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.084] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.instances.0.commandClasses.49.data.27.scale = 0 (0x00000000)
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.085] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.instances.0.commandClasses.49.data.27.val = 0.000000
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.087] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.instances.0.commandClasses.49.data.27.scaleString = "UV index"
[2016-01-15 09:49:47.087] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.4.instances.0.commandClasses.49.data.27 = Empty
[2016-01-15 09:49:54.243] [D] [zway] Job 0x13: deleted from queue
Posts: 190
Joined: 16 Nov 2015 22:46

Re: Qubino inclusion nightmare

Post by bogr »

geirgp wrote:I got the associations tab working, sort of, by changing line 29 in expert/app/views/configuration/assoc.html from
@geirgp - this is great and solved my problem with not seeing anything under the associations tab. But, have you managed to remove an association by clicking on the "x"? I have a flakey behaviour that the associations sometimes show up "blue" and sometimes they switch to "yellow" (without any changes being made). Also, if I press the "x", they all turn yellow and the association is _not_ removed. The log looks like:

Code: Select all

[2016-01-24 22:56:10.523] [I] [zway] Adding job: Association Remove
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.523] [I] [zway] Adding job: Association Get
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.527] [D] [zway] SENDING (cb 0x92): ( 01 0F 00 13 0B 08 60 0D 00 02 85 04 02 01 25 92 BA )
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.530] [D] [zway] RECEIVED ACK
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.534] [D] [zway] RECEIVED: ( 01 04 01 13 01 E8 )
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.535] [D] [zway] SENT ACK
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.535] [D] [zway] Delivered to Z-Wave stack
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.559] [D] [zway] RECEIVED: ( 01 07 00 13 92 00 00 02 7B )
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.559] [D] [zway] SENT ACK
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.560] [I] [zway] Job 0x13 (Association Remove): Delivered
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.560] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.11.data.lastPacketInfo.delivered = True
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.561] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.11.data.lastPacketInfo.packetLength = 11 (0x0000000b)
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.562] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.11.data.lastPacketInfo.deliveryTime = 24 (0x00000018)
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.563] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.11.data.lastPacketInfo = **********
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.563] [D] [zway] SendData Response with callback 0x92 received: received by recipient
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.564] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.11.data.lastSend = 678051 (0x000a58a3)
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.564] [D] [zway] Job 0x13 (Association Remove): success
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.565] [I] [zway] Removing job: Association Remove
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.630] [D] [zway] SENDING (cb 0x93): ( 01 0E 00 13 0B 07 60 0D 00 02 85 02 02 25 93 B2 )
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.633] [D] [zway] RECEIVED ACK
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.637] [D] [zway] RECEIVED: ( 01 04 01 13 01 E8 )
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.638] [D] [zway] SENT ACK
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.638] [D] [zway] Delivered to Z-Wave stack
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.662] [D] [zway] RECEIVED: ( 01 07 00 13 93 00 00 02 7A )
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.662] [D] [zway] SENT ACK
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.663] [I] [zway] Job 0x13 (Association Get): Delivered
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.663] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.11.data.lastPacketInfo.delivered = True
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.663] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.11.data.lastPacketInfo.packetLength = 10 (0x0000000a)
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.664] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.11.data.lastPacketInfo.deliveryTime = 24 (0x00000018)
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.664] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.11.data.lastPacketInfo = **********
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.665] [D] [zway] SendData Response with callback 0x93 received: received by recipient
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.665] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.11.data.lastSend = 678061 (0x000a58ad)
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.666] [D] [zway] Job 0x13 (Association Get): success
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.666] [I] [zway] Removing job: Association Get
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.671] [D] [zway] RECEIVED: ( 01 0F 00 04 00 0B 09 60 0D 02 00 85 03 02 10 00 0D )
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.671] [D] [zway] SENT ACK
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.672] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.11.data.lastReceived = 0 (0x00000000)
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.672] [I] [zway] Node 11:2 CC Association: Group 2 report
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.672] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.11.instances.2.commandClasses.133.data.2.max = 16 (0x00000010)
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.673] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.11.instances.2.commandClasses.133.data.2.nodes = byte[0]
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.673] [D] [zway]   ( zero-length buffer )
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.673] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.11.instances.2.commandClasses.133.data.2.nodesToFollow = **********
[2016-01-24 22:56:10.674] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.11.instances.2.commandClasses.133.data.2 = Empty
Do you have the same behaviour?
Post Reply