Leviton Decora Switches and Instant Status

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Leviton Decora Switches and Instant Status

Post by lajaro »

Looking to see what experience others have with the cheaper Leviton Decora Z-Wave switches (the DMZ line that is "Wink Compatible") and what people are doing to get instant status. I'm using the polling plug-in, but it's generating a lot of traffic for my network which has more than 20 switches.

For those who don't know, the Decora version doesn't include the same, patented 2-way feedback found in the more expensive RF+ version. As such, many other Z-Wave controllers such as Vera and SmartThings have implemented hacks to get them to work. There's also the Wink devices themselves, but I don't want to use an automation system that talks outside my network.

It looks like the Decora switches do send out status updates when the lights are manually triggered; it's just a matter of the controller recognizing the switches as being different, and being able to listen for the commands.

I have been considering writing a small listen daemon to watch the logs for the manual triggers With logging level set to '1', I can see an event for when the switch is turned off ("Node info received: xx") which I could use to trigger a manual poll. But I don't see one for when the switch is turned on. Turning on full debug isn't desired as I don't want to overtax the IO on the device.

To the forum: Has someone implemented a solution other than the manual polling with Z-Way?
To the devs: Any chance of adding native support for these switches?
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Re: Leviton Decora Switches and Instant Status

Post by lajaro »

Ok I think I've made some progress (research-wise).

First of all, turning on full debug logging still doesn't show any activity in the logs when switches are turned on. From what I've read, this might be because of the absence of the command class HAIL (0x82)

Here are the device configuration files (xml) obtained from the Z-Wave Alliance database.

DZS15 (Binary Switch): http://products.z-wavealliance.org/Products/1957/XML
DZMX1 (Dimmer): http://products.z-wavealliance.org/Products/1022/XML

In these files, the command class HAIL (0x82) is listed as being supported. However, as Z-Way doesn't have an entry for these switches in the ZDDX database, only the most basic command classes for a switch/dimmer are being used.

So if I'm correct, what is needed is to create two new XML files in the ZDDX folder, and update the indexes, so that when the devices are included in the network, Z-Way knows exactly what they are and enables support for the required command classes.

Can anyone validate this, and does anyone know how to do that? Meanwhile I'm going to start reverse engineering some of the existing files to see if I can create one myself.
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Re: Leviton Decora Switches and Instant Status

Post by lajaro »

Devs - are you able to provide assistance on how to create a new ZDDX xml file and/or comments about the HAIL command?
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Re: Leviton Decora Switches and Instant Status

Post by PoltoS »

We write it everywhere, but nobody is reading. ZDDX do not affect anything but config parameters descriptions (text), images and association groups descriptions.

Nothing more!

Z-Way can handle Hail CC to understand that a request should be made to the switch. This is a very US specific feature.

Please show me your log where Hail is received. And show me the interview of this device. We will check why it is not asked for a report.
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Re: Leviton Decora Switches and Instant Status

Post by lajaro »

Not sure if this is what you wanted for the interview...can send debug logs but lots of noise in there.

: None (05.03.2017)
basicType: 4 (19:19)
genericType: 16 (19:19)
specificType: 3 (19:19)
infoProtocolSpecific: 13868032 (19:19)
deviceTypeString: Binary Scene Switch (19:19)
isVirtual: false (05.03.2017)
isListening: true (19:19)
isRouting: true (19:19)
isAwake: true (05.03.2017)
optional: true (19:19)
isFailed: false (19:19)
sensor250: false (19:19)
sensor1000: false (19:19)
neighbours: 15,18,23,26,27,28,29,30,32,33,35,36 (19:19)
manufacturerId: 29 (19:23)
vendorString: Leviton (19:23)
manufacturerProductType: 7170 (19:23)
manufacturerProductId: 820 (19:23)
ZWLib: 3 (19:23)
ZWProtocolMajor: 3 (19:23)
ZWProtocolMinor: 52 (19:23)
SDK: 4.54.02 (19:23)
applicationMajor: 0 (19:23)
applicationMinor: 7 (19:23)
nodeInfoFrame: 37,39,43,44,114,134,145,119,115 (05.03.2017)
ZDDXMLFile: None (19:22)
lastSend: 46674 (19:27)
lastNonceGet: None (19:19)
lastReceived: 0 (19:27)
failureCount: 0 (19:19)
keepAwake: false (19:23)
queueLength: 0 (05.03.2017)
givenName: Family Room (05.03.2017)

Re Hail being received, I'm not sure what you mean. I'm not seeing any logs in z-way when the lights are turned on. Here is the debug output when they are turned off:

[2017-03-28 19:30:15.082] [D] [zway] RECEIVED: ( 01 12 00 49 84 1F 0C 04 10 03 25 27 2B 2C 72 86 91 77 73 40 )
[2017-03-28 19:30:15.083] [D] [zway] SENT ACK
[2017-03-28 19:30:15.083] [D] [zway] SETDATA controller.data.incomingPacket.nodeId = 31 (0x0000001f)
[2017-03-28 19:30:15.083] [D] [zway] SETDATA controller.data.incomingPacket.RSSI = Empty
[2017-03-28 19:30:15.083] [D] [zway] SETDATA controller.data.incomingPacket.frameType = "Node Info"
[2017-03-28 19:30:15.084] [D] [zway] SETDATA controller.data.incomingPacket = **********
[2017-03-28 19:30:15.084] [zway] Node info received: 31
[2017-03-28 19:30:15.084] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.31.data.basicType = 4 (0x00000004)
[2017-03-28 19:30:15.084] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.31.data.genericType = 16 (0x00000010)
[2017-03-28 19:30:15.084] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.31.data.specificType = 3 (0x00000003)
[2017-03-28 19:30:15.086] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.31.data.deviceTypeString = "Binary Scene Switch"
[2017-03-28 19:30:15.086] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.31.data.nodeInfoFrame = byte[9]
[2017-03-28 19:30:15.086] [D] [zway] ( 25 27 2B 2C 72 86 91 77 73 )
[2017-03-28 19:30:15.087] [D] [zway] SETDATA devices.31.data.lastReceived = 0 (0x00000000)
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