The picture are no more there ? i don t understand on wich L1 i have to connect the antenna
[HowTo] improve Razberry signal strength (antenna upgrade)
Re: [HowTo] improve Razberry signal strength (antenna upgrade)
cyberhofi was last active on November 12th in 2016, so I don't think, that he's gonna reupload the pictures.
Maybe some of the admins could take a look why the attached pictures are gone.
Maybe some of the admins could take a look why the attached pictures are gone.
Re: [HowTo] improve Razberry signal strength (antenna upgrade)
In all honesty if you have access to USB ports I’d go that route if possible. It will be simpler than soldering on an antenna or a connector pad. There’s a couple videos on YouTube of attempts but iirc they don’t make much difference.
Your best option is to find a USB adapter that’s compatible. Models may be available that offer connectors for high gain antennas. These will serve you better imo than trying to solder your pi a longer antenna.
You could also look into power line Ethernet or Moca to help extend your network.
Your best option is to find a USB adapter that’s compatible. Models may be available that offer connectors for high gain antennas. These will serve you better imo than trying to solder your pi a longer antenna.
You could also look into power line Ethernet or Moca to help extend your network.