Major Crash in my Z-Cloud

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Major Crash in my Z-Cloud

Post by mcfanda »

Yesterday I was updating my zcloud rooms and, after saving the changes, the system (the website) gave me a huge error saying that could not open the Rules.xml file. The webpages stopped working. After a while I could not connect the z-connector to z-cloud anymore. I've done a clean re-install (newly installed wheezy and re-install of z-connector, no other software on the pi) of the raspberry but still I do not get into the system. Befor this accident the z-connector worked as a charme. I get the following error:

Performing SSL handshake...
Establishing SSL connection...
Performing SSL handshake...
Loop started
[E] Error reading data from server: (0) (null)
[E] Socket has gone
Loop ended

Please help as I'm stuck in the middle of my zwave devices doing wht they want :-)
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Post by mcfanda »

I've tried to open a new account (with different certificates) and everything works fine (z-connector, the controller, etc). Is there a way to get my account working back again?
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Post by freakhome »

With the new account, things are working but the connector looses connection every ten minutes or so with a error
Serial port has gone
and then it gets connection it again.
Before yesterday everything was working perfectly
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We do not see any major

Post by PoltoS »

We do not see any major global problem. Please give us more info on the time you have seen the problem (or you still see it?), how do you exeprience it. We will have a deeper look on it.
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First, let me say that with

Post by mcfanda »

First, let me say that with the new account everything works well (I re-wrote all my rules and schedules), so this my be useful to prevent this problem in the future.
I was updating the map picture, uploading a new picture. It worked. Then I saved (using the save button down in the GUI). On reloading the interface I got an error pop-up (I did not make a screenshot ):-) where it said that rules.xml was not readable. From that moment on the Z-connector was not able to connect to the server anymore (with the error shown in the first post).
Please consider that my raspberry when I activate z-connector with the new account (i.e. I use different certificates), everythin goes smoothly.
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It seems like Rules.xml get

Post by PoltoS »

It seems like Rules.xml get corrupted for some reasons and that was the problem of connection failers. We are trying to understand how that might happen.
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