Compatibility issues - automations vs apps/instance

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Compatibility issues - automations vs apps/instance

Post by bogr »

The 2.3.8 seem to have a new way of handling Scenes, Rules, Schedules etc under the new gear-menu "Automation" (url /automations). Is this supposed to be compatible with the settings in the old place "Apps->Active"? Because at the moment there are huge problems. I guess that these apps get Deactivated when you do an import to the new place, but you still have to go back and Activate them in the old place since if you e.g have a reference to a scene in another app, e.g. Code Device, it will not find the scene:

Code: Select all

[2019-03-03 15:36:55.219] [I] [core] Notification: error (module): Error during perform command execution: TypeError: Cannot read property 'performCommand' of null
[2019-03-03 15:36:55.230] [I] [core] TypeError: Cannot read property 'performCommand' of null
    at CodeDevice.eval (eval at <anonymous> (automation/modules/CodeDevice/index.js:146:8), <anonymous>:1:86)
    at CodeDevice.act (automation/modules/CodeDevice/index.js:146:3)
    at self.controller.devices.create.handler (automation/modules/CodeDevice/index.js:88:10)
    at _.extend.performCommand (automation/classes/VirtualDevice.js:312:25)
    at Rules.AutomationModule.setNewDeviceState (automation/classes/AutomationModule.js:207:10)
    at Rules.AutomationModule.shiftDevice (automation/classes/AutomationModule.js:332:8)
    at automation/modules/Rules/index.js:114:11
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at Function.<anonymous> (automation/modules/Rules/index.js:113:27)
but when enabling the scene (in Apps->Active), the same Code Device app suddenly starts working. The same applies if you have a reference to a scene in another app, then the dropdown of existing scenes does not list the Deactivated scene. This seem to be majorly messed up, or have I totally misunderstood the new Automation menu? Updating the same app instance in two different places seem very bad and totally inconvenient.

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Re: Compatibility issues - automations vs apps/instance

Post by PoltoS »

We will check it. Thank you for the report
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Re: Compatibility issues - automations vs apps/instance

Post by PoltoS »

May be you can help to reproduce the issue in minimal setup
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Joined: 16 Nov 2015 22:46

Re: Compatibility issues - automations vs apps/instance

Post by bogr »

Yes, it should be "easy" to reproduce it. What I did was:

1. upgrade to 2.3.8
2. did the "import" or whatever it was called when going into the "Automation" section for the first time
3. this, I think, made all Scene apps, If -> then apps etc Deactivated
4. I noticed that a lot of the scenes were not working and saw in the log the mentioned trace
5. I pinpointed one of my Code Device apps, that did "controller.devices.get('LightScene_51').performCommand('on');" was not working
6. I enabled the Scene in the Apps->Active section
7. the error went away and the Code Device app worked as expected

I also saw that a previously configured and working app, don't remember which but it might have been a Logical Rule app, was missing a scene (the drop down was empty and red) in the Actions section of the config. The scene was Deactivated in Apps->Active, but activated in the Automation section. When I pressed "Cancel", after editing it, I went to Apps-Active and Activated the scene, and then back to the configuration of the Logical Rule, and the scene was then back in the configuration.

Hope this makes sense.
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