Unable to get sensor updates from Aeon Labs Gen 5 ZW089-A

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Unable to get sensor updates from Aeon Labs Gen 5 ZW089-A

Post by bytedreamer »

I recently bought both models of the Aeon Labs door/window sensors. The older model works with no issues. The new Gen 5 model is able to include with no issue. Changes to the sensor status doesn't update within the automation application. I notice that there is a data update to the controller device when running ZwaveAPI/Data. I don't see any updates when querying the Basic and SensorBinary command classes on the device.

Code: Select all

    "devices.1.instances.0.commandClasses.32.data.level": {
      "value": 255,
      "type": "int",
      "invalidateTime": 1434414922,
      "updateTime": 1434416984
I'm running v2.0.1-rc37
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Fixed: Unable to get sensor updates from Aeon Labs Gen 5 ZW0

Post by bytedreamer »

I did get a quick response from Aeon Labs support with a fix to my problem. They recommended changing the configuration settings on the device. Using the Expert UI, I sent the following parameter setting down to the sensor.

Parameter 121 [4 byte dec]: 272
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Re: Unable to get sensor updates from Aeon Labs Gen 5 ZW089-

Post by rsebes »

I just picked one of these up too. I can't even get the device to include. I'm running v2.0.1-rc41 with the razberry chip ZW0301. Does this require the new generation ZM5202?
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Re: Unable to get sensor updates from Aeon Labs Gen 5 ZW089-

Post by rsebes »

Ok, I did get the device to include and interview is now completed.
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Re: Unable to get sensor updates from Aeon Labs Gen 5 ZW089-

Post by mhorst »

I also got this sensor. My plan was to associate it with ZME_05436 blind controller and use it to block operation when my door is open, but I did not succeed. I wonder if it is related to this issue?

I managed to include the sensor, and to associate it with other devices. I also updated the 121 parameter to 272 to be sure.
I can see the sensor status just fine on the webpage of the razberry, and it updates when I remove the magnet from the sensor. However, none of the other associated devices respond to changes in the sensor.

I checked http://products.z-wavealliance.org/products/1179. The paramater change means that the sensor is supposed to send both a binary sensor update and basic set command to all associated devices.
In the job queue for the razberry I indeed see two reports whenever the sensor status changes. So this seems to be OK.

However, other devices do not seem to act on these reports. I tried both the ZME_05436, and a Fibaro FGS-221.
Their status remains unchanged when the sensor changes state.
I did not even configure the ZME_05436 to interpret the sensor as a blocking device, I just wanted it to see it turn on and off. I also tried having only one device associated with the sensor. And having the 121 parameter set to 256 or 16, so it only sends one report. So far nothing worked.

So, has anyone been able to successfully associate anything other than the controller with this sensor?
If so, how did you manage to do that?
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Re: Unable to get sensor updates from Aeon Labs Gen 5 ZW089-

Post by mhorst »

I got my answer from Aeotec support. Apparently it only works with Zwave plus devices. The command is encrypted and my blind controller does not support Zwave plus and can therefore not decrypt the command.
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Re: Unable to get sensor updates from Aeon Labs Gen 5 ZW089-

Post by pz1 »

mhorst wrote:Apparently it only works with Zwave plus devices.
Out of the box interoperability? Zwave Alliance and Aeotec have something to explain

At least it seems that such products should have clear warnings about Z-Wave interoperability on their advertisements and packages.
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Re: Unable to get sensor updates from Aeon Labs Gen 5 ZW089-

Post by PoltoS »

Would be interesting yo know what do they send to actuators - may be they break compatibility by sending Secure commands to devices, while it should not be encrypted.
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Re: Unable to get sensor updates from Aeon Labs Gen 5 ZW089-

Post by michap »

Aeon Multisensor Gen 5 is working fine here - only the vibration detecion is not working.
Using latest betas of 2.0.2-rc2

Motion will be only reported to GUI if "send Sensor Binary Report CC." was selected in parameters

You should set the reporting interval to needed value - then sensor will report the changed value.

Best is to try at first with USB powered device.

Best regards
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Re: Unable to get sensor updates from Aeon Labs Gen 5 ZW089-

Post by norperu »

I have 5 of these devices. The batteries died within 4 months or so. (after my first post on this, I realized that the poll sensors periodically comes on automatically, so it will query them every 5 minutes. So I think that explains why. I make sure to put both the Sens and the Alarm on the exclude part of the periodical polling)

I have manage to include them and I get the following out of the 5. I put new batteries on 3 only.
out of all three, two have the motion flag on. The alarm is always off. (So making the changes to parameter 121 to 272 should solve this)

I have Two scenes,one that turns on the notification for the siren, and the other one that shuts the siren off after one second.(Delayed action)and also turns the notification off.
Then I have a logic or rule that if any of the sensor turn on then the siren scene with a dummy device should tell the siren to turn on just to notify.(low alarm 1 sec).

I am confused with the state reported by this wireless recessed sensors. Out of the three, 2 seem to be triggered all the time.

ALSO, if you include the sensor make sure it is right beside the main controller. That way the security interview can be realized and then all other interviews. If you are not successful I would exclude the device and re include it. until you get the security interview done before any other.
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