Razberry me doesn’t following state of device

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Razberry me doesn’t following state of device

Post by disneyjoe7 »


My setup raspberrypi with Z-wave me daughter card

Running pi as 32bit OS
Z-wave me new 7 not pro

Problem is if/then statements don’t work found out under 3.2.3 software it doesn’t follow my switch states (if on or off)
This is cause the if/then statement not to work.

Or does it work because on screen I can turn on device and other switches turn on or off. It’s just doesn’t follow states if turned on or off manually.

BTW this wasn’t an issue under older software of Z-wave but a new problem under 3.2.3


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Re: Razberry me doesn’t following state of device

Post by seattleneil »

To help solve your problem, more information is needed. Fortunately, Z-Way generates a detailed log file (the default Razberry log file is /var/log/z-way-server.log) and the Z-Way expert web UI (http://[IP]:8083/expert) provides very good diagnostic tools. I suggest starting the troubleshooting by looking at the log file to see what happens under 4 scenarios: (1) manually turn the switch on, (2) manually turn the switch off, (3) turn the switch on from either the smarthome web UI or expert web UI, and (4) turn the switch off from either the smarthome web UI or expert web UI. When you manually control the switch, is the switch state shown on the web UI accurate? If the switch state on the web UI is not accurate when manually controlling the switch, the underlying cause is most likely not with the if/then rule; the underlying cause is likely related to Z-Way not knowing that the switch state has changed.

Based on your report that the if/then rule worked prior to 3.2.3 and the if/then works when you control the switch using the web UI, one possible explanation (and it's only a guess) is that you are using a new Z-Wave.Me controller card and the Z-Wave device ID of the new controller card is not 1. Another guess is that the Lifeline association configuration on the switch is not correct. The expert UI will show you the device ID of the controller card (choose the Configuration tab on the top menu) and the association configuration of the switch (click on the switch and then select Association).
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Re: Razberry me doesn’t following state of device

Post by disneyjoe7 »

Razberry log I never been there before and not sure how to see that?
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Re: Razberry me doesn’t following state of device

Post by seattleneil »

I'm just a Razberry user like yourself. Unfortunately, your lack of familiarity with the linux command line makes it impossible for me to help you. The best I can do is offer 3 suggestions:

(1) Enable remote access from the smarthome web UI (http://[IP]:8083/smarthome/#/admin). Then reach out to the Z-Wave.Me support team as this allows a support person from Z-Wave.Me to remotely access the linux command line on your Razberry.

(2) Consider learning how to use the linux command line. There's a lot of free training on the web - just search for "linux beginner training". I did a quick search and thought this training was good: https://learn.adafruit.com/an-illustrat ... and-primer. There's definitely a learning curve. For example, when I suggested you look at the log file, in linux command line "lingo" that translates to "cat /var/log/z-way-server.log" if you want to see the entire log file and translates to "tail -100 /var/log/z-way-server.log" if you just want to see the last/most recent 100 lines of the log file. Yes, there's even a way to keep watch of the log file and print further data as it appears ("tail -f /var/log/z-way-server.log").

(3) Invite a friend to your house who's familiar with the linux command line and show them my previous post.

Good luck.
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Re: Razberry me doesn’t following state of device

Post by disneyjoe7 »

Ok friend where do you live?
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Re: Razberry me doesn’t following state of device

Post by seattleneil »

Seattle, WA (US).

I understand you're frustrated. My personal experience is that the Z-Wave technology is not 100% reliable. Some of the problems I've encountered include RF interference, dimmer switches with faulty firmware that get stuck re-transmitting the same message, inefficient mesh routing, interoperability issues with devices that randomly decide not to forward messages and devices that incorrectly report they are neighbors to every other device. One lesson I've learned is to only buy 1 new Z-Wave device, test it, and only when I'm confident about its operation, to then buy more of the same device. Z-Way software is not perfect either. There are quite a few posts about issues with the Interview process and most recently, there were a large number of posts related to Gen 7 boards having buggy firmware (which appears to be solved with the newest firmware). The point I'm trying to make is that problems can and do occur, which means users will either (a) get frustrated, or (b) seek to troubleshoot and solve the problem. The reason I choose to use the Z-Way software is that it provides a detailed log file and has very good diagnostic tools.

If you don't want to remain frustrated, please consider climbing the linux learning curve. You don't need to become an expert - a few basic commands like cd, cat and tail will give you access to the log file and take you a long way to troubleshooting the problem you're experiencing.
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Re: Razberry me doesn’t following state of device

Post by lanbrown »

+1 on what seattleneil has stated.

There are some devices that do not trigger what their state is when it changes. Some only update the state if you manually control the device (like pushing the paddle of the switch) but not if it comes via a Z-Wave command. So if you have associations configured, then that might cause an issue. Z-Way does have an app call "Periodical Sensor Polling" that you can have Z-Way query devices on a schedule. This is not realtime and will never be realtime. A Z-Wave controller (like the Razberry) cannot add missing features not in a Z-Wave device. So if a device isn't sending out what the status of it is, then that is not the fault of the controller. Silicon Labs needs to start forcing certain requirements. Ideally this would have been done in Gen7 devices, but appears that is not the case. For the most part, it is up the device manufacturers to determine what they will and will not support and some manufacturers are better than others.

I too have had issues with a Z-Wave mesh and decided to forgo using it and I have five Raspberry Pi 4B's each with a Z-Wave 7 Pro board and let Z-Way combine them in the GUI.

Is your Razberry 7 board running the latest firmware?
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Re: Razberry me doesn’t following state of device

Post by disneyjoe7 »

Well I’m in Florida the other side of the world.

Learning Linux and cat, cd and tail but still lost but learning.
Only use Leviton z-wave switches and outlets but tried 4 button switch but can’t get to work. And have outside a linear gocontrol FS20Z-1 for outside tree lights

Yes 17 switches and or outlets controlling inside and outside lights
Also can state yes have Razberry me 7 but new with that had version 2 before for years. Had issue with milk being spilled on it it died. But can state problem was with before version 2 just not with Razberry me setup 3.1.2 or so did an online update 3.2.3 and didn’t work or follow switch state.

17 switches and outlets but Z-wave expert states 30 devices but I stated as dead unable to remove / delete

Not sure on checking Razberry me 7 software
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Re: Razberry me doesn’t following state of device

Post by lanbrown »


Change the ZWayIP to that of your system. Firmware update is near the bottom.
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Re: Razberry me doesn’t following state of device

Post by disneyjoe7 »

Look like I had 7.06 updated shows up to date

And no change in Razberry following switch state

Thank You lanbrown
Last edited by disneyjoe7 on 25 May 2022 16:11, edited 3 times in total.
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